Soul Summoning

When Ji Jing returned to Ming Ze's home, she was met with a chaotic scene outside. Ghosts and demons were rampaging and crashing into the formation outside the courtyard. Xiao Taowu was guarding the entrance, consuming the outside entities one by one.

Why were there so many? Ji Jing was shocked as she observed the scene. Wu Lin was just an ordinary human; how could he have summoned this many spiritual beings?

"Gross," Xiao Taowu complained, "It's disgusting, really disgusting."

Jiang Tao had returned to his original form and was using his hands and feet to tear apart and crush several of the spirits. However, there were just too many of them, and he had no choice but to swallow a few of them. He hadn't anticipated that they would taste so terrible.

The texture and flavor were awful, not even suitable for a Taowu like him. Why wasn't Ji Jing here yet? If this continued, he would really throw up!