
"This is it. The poster said that he and his relatives and friends went to repent, and then he received a call from the police saying that his relatives and friends were missing."Yang Yun opened a post in the app. This post was very popular because after the poster posted it, there were many replies saying that they had the same experience.

"Oh my god! My friends and family are the same! He suddenly stopped coming online. Now that you mention it, the last time he came online, he happened to be in the Door of Repentance!"

"Really? Would it be 'sharing my new story'?"

"True! I have a recording of the call, listen to it for yourselves!"

"F * ck…I just went to confess yesterday. What should I do? Should I take a taxi to the temple now?"

"Don't scare me in the middle of the night…I changed my screensaver to Taishang Laojun!"

"Saibo exorcism, you're really something."