
"Oh! Director Ji." Yang Shu was a little surprised to see Ji Hui. He had only met this young director of Linjiang High School a few times and was not very familiar with him. Why would he suddenly come to visit?

"Hello, Professor Yang." Ji Hui restrained his previous emotions and greeted politely.

Yang Shu welcomed him into the house. After hearing his purpose of visit, he was even more surprised. He wanted to get a recommendation letter for his sister Ji Yao's scholarship? Yang Shu suddenly remembered that Ji Yao and Ji Jing both had the surname Ji. Could they be related?

" I'm sorry." Yang Shu poured tea for each other and said," I'm sorry, but I can't write such a recommendation letter for Ji Yao."

"Did Ji Jing say something in front of you?" Ji Hui's face darkened. She always likes to target Yaoyao. Don't believe her words."

"Did they know each other?" Yang Shu asked, pretending to be surprised.