
"What do you mean?" "Third Brother, what are you talking about?" Ji Yao asked in a panic.

"I went to see Professor Yang today." Ji Hui said with a dark face.

Professor Yang…Poplar tree? Ji Yao's face turned pale. She understood.

The lie she had told to get that recommendation letter had been discovered! How could this be?

" Third Brother, you might have misunderstood. I'm not lying to you." Ji Yao shook her head weakly, frantically thinking about how to cover up her lie.

"I misunderstood?" Ji Hui couldn't help but sneer," Ji Yao, where did I misunderstand? You said that you wanted to find Professor Yang first, but Ji Jing beat you to it. Although you were sad, you didn't want to fight with Ji Jing. This time, you asked me to look for other professors because you wanted a recommendation letter. You said it very sincerely, so I always thought that you had given in too much. What happened in the end?"