A Piece of Paper

" Don't worry, it's just your clothes hanging on the corner of the table. I'll help you pull them open." Ji Jing secretly glared at the Ghost Child that had been pulled out of the drawer. The Ghost Child immediately shrank back.

"Alright... Alright." Zhou Wei swallowed and her voice trembled. She did not dare to say that she had felt the touch of the hands holding her just now. It was not the feeling of hanging on the corner of the table at all!

Ji Jing stepped forward and pulled Ghost Child's hand away.

Zhou Wei immediately ran a few steps forward before turning back. I-I feel so cold."

"It's the corner of the table. Don't panic!" Xu Tian comforted her and silently blocked Zhou Wei and the camera behind her.

"Is that so..." Zhou Wei did not realize that Xu Tian was blocking the view of the table. She wanted to agree with him, but she still felt a little uneasy.