
"It's all Ji Jing, it's all Ji Jing, it's all Ji Jing..." On the way home from school in the afternoon, Ji Yao's heart kept repeating this sentence. She anxiously clasped her fingers, almost digging out blood.

It was all because Ji Jing came to the Ji family that so many things had happened. It was all because Ji Jing insisted on entering the same school as her that she was robbed of everything.

Why did Ji Jing come? Why didn't she cultivate her Dao in that lousy Taoist temple?

Wasn't the love from his father, mother, and brothers at home enough? Did he have to take everything away from her? Did he have to mess up her life or even completely destroy it?

Ji Yao took a deep breath. A sense of danger enveloped her heart, and she couldn't help but clench her fists.

She couldn't just sit there and wait for death. She had to think of a way to chase Ji Jing out of the Ji family.