Grave Robbing

However, they did not have much of a choice.

A moment later, there was another person in Ji Jing's room who was so shocked that his eyes widened.

"Thief…Grave robbing?" Ji Ying's exclamation almost shook the door off." You…" You want to go grave robbing with a doll?"

"Lower your voice!" Ji Jing quickly said. No matter how soundproof the Ji family's house was, it couldn't withstand Ji Ying's shouting.

Ji Ying wanted to whisper, but he was so shocked that his mind was a mess.

He knew that Ji Jing's mysterious spells were real, but he was not ready to accept a living doll!

Although Ji Jing had told him that a person's soul was living inside, this…This doll can move! What kind of horror movie would have such a scene!

Ji Ying was also wondering if he was still asleep. Or did the newly planted flower have some hallucinatory effect?

"I already said that it's my grave!" The doll glared angrily.