Looking at the Stars

"Why are you so popular!" Ji Jing pointed at the doll helplessly.

She had expected someone to ask about the doll, but she did not expect it to become the most eye-catching existence in the entire stall.

They would glance at it when they passed by, not to mention the people who came up to ask. They racked their brains to ask for information.

"He probably recognized Master's skill inheritance?" The doll shrugged." Or are you interested in the wood of the body? It's a divine tree. It's said that it's grown by cutting the branches of the Creation Tree into the soil of the human world. It's very rare."

Ji Jing nodded thoughtfully, or perhaps both.

Every person or demon who came up to ask about the doll had amazement and greed in their eyes. They all wanted to get it.

No wonder the doll had warned her to take good care of it. It had probably expected this outcome.