
The rain got heavier and heavier, and the water level of the river rose all the way. Soon, it reached a height that Ji Jing could not do anything about. The baby's cries were so weak that they were almost inaudible.

Suddenly, the sky brightened. Ji Jing looked up and saw a bright light. Was it a meteor?

No, meteors could only be seen on a clear night. Now that it was raining heavily, something was streaking across the sky.

Ji Jing didn't have time to think about it when a faint sound came from the river, as if something had fallen on the bamboo basket.

Did the shooting star just now land on the bamboo basket?

The bamboo basket actually didn't fall…In the illusion, Ji Jing followed the bamboo basket downstream. Although the bamboo basket miraculously did not sink to the bottom of the river, the sound of the baby crying gradually disappeared.
