New House

After giving Clarence something to think about, I finish shopping and sell what I don't need and head out. I got a lot of new gear. I'll show it all to you later right now. I have something to do. What do I need to do that's more important than telling you what awesome gear I got? Get a house that's what and I know what your going to say didn't you tell us you don't need a house till you become flesh and blood well yes but 2 things 1 I now have the money to buy a house so I see no need to wait any longer and 2 I'm a hypocrite so sue me. I set out for a particular residential street it's not far from the commercial avenue it's just a hop, skip and a jump well it's just to the north the northern residential area is were the mansions and castles are and I'm looking for 1 particular castle which one you ask well this one. I enter a large courtyard that is many miles long and in the distance I see a fountain however the lawn of the courtyard is well it hasn't been looked after for what can only be years to decades the fountain is completely destroyed and the castle itself is falling apart there are even places were its ither missing buildings or completely collapsed.

As I walk through the rusty gate, a prompt opens up in front of me.

[Purchase the destroyed castle costs 1 platinum]


[Yes] [No]

Ok, who here wants to buy the haunted castle? ME, as I click yes, why did I use my only platinum coin to purchase a haunted castle. Well, first off, I'll start by saying that Clarence is the guild master of The Warriors of Havoc guild and both of our guilds have been at each other's throat for years and even more so in my last life. This castle was purchased by 1 of their guild members, and that helped his guild out a lot with the castle buffs. It also helped that particular person become a powerhouse almost equivalent to an alliance leader. Also, he explained the entire process of dealing with the castle spirit. As such, it's mine now, muah ha ha ha.

Now then, let's get serious. The guy said that he had found the locket in the ruined library. I think he said it was behind the history books. What im looking for is a square button in the back of the bookcase. After looking through 4 bookcases, I was ready for a break, but just 1 more shelf should finish it. oh, look what I found it seems it was on the last bookshelf on the bottom shelf going into the floor, so I pressed the button, and the side of the shelf slides to the side and in the dark hole is an ornate box with a keyhole yes I will need the key now and if what he said was right the key is with the housekeeper no their not alive what iv gotta find is a corpse yes morbid isn't it but at least they won't object and yes I'm now playing tomb raider.

The housekeepers corpse should be in the servants' quarters, and it is on the other side of the castle. Great, I get to walk through the spooky castle halls. It's a good thing I don't spook easy or I wouldn't be here now, would i? All I have to watch for is the castle spirit, and I'll be home free damn I shouldn't have said that. As I hide under a fallen roof, the clanging of chains sounds throughout the hallway as the castle spirit floats along. Well, you know that horror movie with that ghost that comes out of the TV add chains, and that's her right there. Great image, huh, and that's what im hiding from now.

Ok, I know I chose this, but seriously, that creature terrifies me. Hopefully, I can get this done and over with soon cause this is not helpful to my nerves. I made it to the servants' quarters and am now making my way to the housekeepers room. I stop to listen, and the sound of chains is quite a ways away, thankfully. The housekeepers room is a mess like everything else and on a rack near the door I see a ring of keys I take them but just to be safe I search the room and found some more keys in a desk drawer I take them to and head outside thank God there is a door to the outside in the servants quarters. I headed to the backyard where a hedge maze is. I have to get to the center of it, and if you're curious as to why I didn't open the box, it's because the moment it is opened, the castle spirit will go crazy and the center of the hedge maze is a safe zone where the spirit can't go to. As I near the center of the maze, the box starts to vibrate. Don't worry, this is a good sign it means that bastard didn't lie about this thing. In the center of the maze, there is a large area, and in the center of it is a tree which looks like it has died. Under the tree, there is a gravestone. Ok, it's time to open the box. I take out all the keys and try them one by one, but none of them work. There is only one last key, and I found it around the neck of the housekeeper as I put it in the keyhole and turn it I hear a click and it open and in that same moment a massive heart rending scream comes from the castle however I take the locket out and hold on to it but.


[You have been cursed all stats reduced by 99%]

[You are now being hunted by the castle spirit]

Yes, even all this is the same as what he said. You now know why I came here first. As I stand near the gravestone, I see the castle spirit shoot out of the castle and fly straight at me but as soon as she got to the center of the maze a barrier stopped her from coming any farther. I lift up the locket so she can see it. I can tell her eyes locked on it, and then I put it in the grove in the gravestone when it slotted in a pillar of light ignited the gravestone and the spirit of a young man in his early 20s emerged from the light on his forhead was a rune that shone brightly. Fuck this guy is one of the Spirit Bound they are a race that predates the labyrinth itself and is thought to be one of the races that created it in the first place if that is so it's no wonder this castle is so powerful it can be considered a relic of the before time and if that's the case that ass hat that got it before really didn't know what he had. Power equivalent to an alliance leader my left nut this castle can make anyone that properly uses it into something that destroyes alliances.

As I'm thinking that the castle spirit suddenly transformed into a beautiful woman with pale blue hair and after the transformation she flew into the arms of the man hovering above the gravestone and as they hug each other they slowly vanish.

[Congratulations to Player Nightmare for completing hidden quest "Till Death do us Part" reward full control of soul castle.]

After the announcement, there is a small orb about the size of a golf ball where the couple vanished it slowly floated towards me and entered my skull.

[Creating castle spirit. Player, please stand by]

In front of me, a blue light started to glow, and it slowly grew to the size of a 6 year old child.