New Stats

After a few hours of stepping then falling, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this WAMM ouch ok that time I tripped on my left front foot and hit the wall with my face. Ouch, that hurts, but it's all good. I'm now able to walk with 4 feet. Yay, now let's try stairs and first foot ok good now, second, and don't forget to grab the railings and OH GOD NOOOOOO, BAM CRASH SMASH As I hit the bottom of the stairway hard all I can think is its really hard to walk on stairs with 4 feet. Oh, my ass hurts never mind that my everything hurts right now. Also a little info on my stairfall as I was falling. My body turned slightly, and instead of an outright fall, I rolled down the stairs and continued to roll after hitting the bottom. Then, as all cats do, I landed on my feet or my belly. If you want to get technical and a short slide later, I'm 2 steps from the front door as one sport would say I made good distance sigh, being the cat version of a centaur is annoying. Carla is also laughing at me, ya ya yuck it up, you pint-sized shrimp.

As I wobble/limp to the kitchen, it's time for food. Yes, as I am now flesh and blood, I need food, water, and sleep, and I need to clean myself. This also includes praying to the porcelain god. (To those who can't figure out the reference, it means going to the toilet) And on that happy note I have a sinking feeling I'm going to need a lot of food considering my size. Good thing I thought ahead and got everything that includes dishes, pots, and pans. I even got the magic version of a stove and fridge. Gonna need to think about clothes soon too. Oh God, am I gonna have to get bra's now? This is so annoying. After entering the kitchen, I started cooking. I'm not making anything fancy. Spaghetti and meatballs are enough and some juice, and we have a meal and 8 helpings later. I'm now full crap I knew I'd eat a lot considering my size.

Now on to clothes crap how do you put this bra on anyways. Ok, now, arms in the straps. I hope I'm doing this right and done ack I can't breathe. Needless to say, I got the wrong size. No wonder women prefer trying things on first they won't buy something 2 sizes, too small. Ok, note to self don't order out bra's shirts ok though, and it's 1 size too big great looks like I'm going shopping later woo-hoo. Now it's time to check my stats.


Player: Nightmare

Race: Sphinx

Job: None

Lv: None

Xp: None

Bloodline: None

Hp: 1500

Mp: 1500

Fp: 15

Attack: 150

Defense: 600

M.Defense: 600

Soul Defense: 60

Fate Defense: 15

Strength: 15

Agility: 15

Endurance: 15

Intelligence: 15

Spirit: 15

Luck: 15

Charm: 15

Fate: 15

Skill: [Fate Adaptation(Passive) lv: 1]

Novice Skill point: 2

Trait: [Fate Weaver][Magic Genius][Martial Genius][Crafting Genius]

Talent: [Fate mending][Magic Sight][Fateful Vision]

Martial cultivation: 100%

Magic cultivation: 100%

Warcraft pilot adaptation: 150%

Weapon: None

Armor: None


Wow ya this is way overpowered. I guess a little explanation is in order. Let's start with the stats. If you remember, I stated that a races aptitude is measured from 0-10 or 0-5 for normal races and 5-10 for super races this also represents their starting stats so the Sphinx's aptitude was 15 and that is also their stats. Next is the None on Job, lv and xp. You need a job to have a level, and you need to be able to level for xp. Jobs can be acquired through job books, and they can sometimes be acquired through the store. Sometimes, being the operative word. Job books also start dropping from bosses now that I've finished the tutorial. Next is the 3 new stats Luck, Charm, and Fate these new stats are given to everyone when they become flesh and blood however unlike the other stats it's almost impossible to increase them only through special events, items, or equipment will they be increased. Luck is a stat that includes crit chance, crit damage, crit multiplier as well as lucky encounter chances. Charm decides an npc's first impression of you as well as stores discounts. Fate decides a person's Fate Defense as well as governs Fateful encounters, and before you object, a Lucky and Fateful encounter are 2 different types. Also, the Stat window will tell you which type the encounter is.

Next is skill, trait, and talents. As you can see, these have all been reset. The reason is that the skills and such were only made in the tutorial. But it's not all bad. Each race has its own starting skill, trait, and talents, as you can see on the window. First, the skills to be honest all races have a pool of starter skills I only got 1 but some of the super races have a pool of around 20 starter skills the most one can start with is 5 and the least is 0 so I didn't lose out totally. Traits are different. All members of the race get all these traits the most in each race, which is 4, and the least is 0, so yay me. Ok, now talents this is like the skills as there is a pool of starting talents, but this is also where the race geniuses come from the more and stronger the talents the more they are considered a genius. There are also Novice Skill points that allow you to acquire skills in the novice skill list. This list doesn't change, no matter which race it is, and everyone starts with 2 points. These skills have enormous growth potential, and all of them are useful for something you just have to figure that out yourself. Novice Skill points can also be aquired but only through special events.

Next is the part I think everyone has question marks over martial and magic cultivation. No, this isn't the wuxia cultivation. It can be considered as one's martial and magic skill training percentage as well as ones ability to train others in the skills they know. Well, look at it this way there are martial and magic skill books, but unlike the job books, where you just click and there you go for skills you actually have to sit down and study or go out and train the cultivation percentage also works on creating your own skills. Now, the Warpath pilot adaptation is how well you can use technology like a mobile suite, for instance. Fuck after all this explaining I need a drink.