Part 9

Taehyung: Hyung what did you say??

Jimin: Nothing...

Taehyung : But i heard it as-

Jimin: Aish stop it now...

Jungkook: So cute

*He said while giggling*

Time skip..

We all reached Las Vegas..

Now we all were getting off of the plane...

Namjoon: Finally we reached Las Vegas...

Jin: Yeah..I want to go and sleep..

I am so tired..

Jungkook: Hyung you have become old...

Jin: Hey stob it...

Jungkook: Okk...

*He said while giggling*

Jhope: Who is going to stay with y/n??

Y/n: Where ??

Jhope: In the hotel..

Y/n: Why?? There are 8 rooms right??

Namjoon: No..

There are only 7 rooms..

Jhope: So you have to share the room with someone...

Jungkook: I am going to stay with y/n...

Taehyung: No i am going to stay with y/n...

Y/n: Wait-

Where is Eunwoo??

We all looked here and there and we didn't find Eunwoo anywhere...

Jungkook: He was sitting beside me only watching a movie..

Taehyung: Then where did he go??

Y/n: Wait let me go and check...

Namjoon: Okk....

And then y/n left from here..

Jimin: Even i will be back...

Taehyung: Hyung where are you going??

Jimin: Inside the plane...

Taehyung: Why??

Jimin: Um- I will tell you afterwards...


With that saying Jimin went inside the plane...

Jungkook: Hyung is totally in love...

Taehyung: Yeah...

Namjoon: Who?? Jimin??

Jungkook: Yes..

Suga: Why didn't I notice??

Jhope: Because you were busy sleeping...

Suga: Oh yeah..

You are right..

Btw what were you saying jk??

Jungkook: Hyung jimin is in love with y/n...

Jhope: How do you know??

Jungkook: Because we can see it... Didn't you notice whenever Eunwoo is near y/n he gets jealous??

Jhope: Actually i noticed it but i didn't think it very deeply...

Taehyung: Yeah..Now let's see what happens...

Inside the plane...

Y/n Pov

I came inside the plane when i noticed Eunwoo was sleeping....

Aish he is so cute...

I went near him and tried tapping on his shoulder to wake him up...

But he didn't wake up...

Y/n: do I wake him up now??

Then someone from behind spoke...

Jimin: Let me wake him up...

Y/n: You? What are you doing here??

Jimin: I came here to see you- I mean help you...

Y/n: Help me in what??

Jimin: Waking up Eunwoo...

Y/n: Oh ok..Then please help me...

He is not waking up only...

Jimin went near Eunwoo and pinched his cheeks...

Due to which Eunwoo woke up..

Eunwoo: Yaah...Who pinched me??

Jimin: Me....

Eunwoo: Hyung...Why did you pinch me??

Y/n: Because you were not waking up...

*I said while laughing*

Eunwoo: Okk where are the others??

Jimin: They are outside...

Eunwoo: Okk..


Give me your hand...

Jimin: Why??

Eunwoo: What do you mean why??

To get up from this seat...

It is so comfortable that i don't want to get up...

Y/n: Now get up...

*I said while giving my hand to Eunwoo*

Eunwoo: Okk..

He said while trying to hold my hand...

But Jimin blocked my hand and gave his hand..

Jimin: Now get up...

Eunwoo: Okk

And then we all came out of the plane...

Jungkook: Yaah Eunwoo where were you??

Y/n: He was sleeping nicely...

Jungkook: Just like Suga hyung...

Y/n: Now let's go...

Taehyung: Okk...

We all reached the hotel and we came to our respective rooms...

I am sharing a room with Jungkook and Eunwoo is with taehyung...

We entered our room...

As soon as Jungkook entered the room he went and slept on the bed...

Y/n: Yaah jk...

Change your clothes...

They are dirty...

Jungkook: Y/n please..I am very tired...

Y/n: Aigoo you are so cute that no one can resist you..

Time skip..

Today is the first day of our tour..

Right now we are behind the stage waiting for the concert to start...

Y/n: I am so nervous....

Jungkook: Why are you nervous??

Y/n: Because it's my first time performing in front of armies...

Taehyung: Don't worry.. It will be alright..

We will give our best..

Namjoon: Yes y/n so don't worry...

Jhope: And don't make any mistake while dancing or what you guys know what will happen...

Everyone except Jhope: Oh no.. Dashi run run...

After the performance...

Namjoon: Everyone thank you for attending the concert...

Armies: *Started screaming*

Jin: ARMY.....

Armies: *Screaming more loudly*

Taehyung: Army are you excited for tomorrow??

Armies: Yes...

*Someone was holding a banner in which it was written - " Does bam need a mother??"

So jungkook saw that and said...

Jungkook: This is never gonna be...

Hearing that armies started screaming in disappointment...

Time skip

After the concert got over we all came to the hotel...

Y/n: Aish i am so tired...

I want to go and sleep...

Jungkook: Are you Suga hyung's long lost sister??

Y/n: Why??

Taehyung: Because everytime you want to sleep...

Y/n: Yaah... It's not like that

Jungkook: Okk

*He said while chuckling*

Then we saw Eunwoo running to us..

Eunwoo: Y/nieeee...

Y/n: Eunwoo where were you??

Eunwoo: I was watching your performance..

It was amazing.. Your dance moves were crazy..

Y/n: Thank you...

*I said trying not to blush*

Jimin Pov

Why is she blushing??

Aish...This Eunwoo is making me go crazy

Jungkook: Y/niee why are you blushing??

Y/n: Um nothing...

Taehyung: Nothing??

Y/n: Yess... Stop it now...

Jungkook: Okk...

Namjoon: So now let's go and freshen up....

We will meet in the dining hall...

Jhope: Okk...

Eunwoo: Y/n...

Y/n: Hmm...

Eunwoo: Can you come to our room for a minute??

Y/n: Wh-

Jimin: Why??

Eunwoo: Cause i want to talk to her about something important...

Y/n: Okk..i will come...

Eunwoo: Okk let's go...

Jimin Pov

What does he want to walk about??

What is so important??

I shrugged my thoughts and went to my room...


In Eunwoo and taehyung's room...

Y/n: So what did you want to talk about??

Eunwoo: Its something about Jimin...

Y/n: Jimin??

Eunwoo: Yeah... Jimin...

Y/n: What is it??

Eunwoo: Actually how do i say this....

Y/n: What is it Eunwoo?

Taehyung: Wait let me tell you...

Eunwoo: Yeah you tell her..

Taehyung: Jimin LOVES YOU...

Y/n: WHAT ??

To be continued.....