Chapter 128: Let The Banquet Commence!

Once we arrived at the dinner table, I noticed that while my seating arrangement hadn't changed, there were several more seats near the area I would dine, and currently, most of them were already occupied.

"It seems like we aren't the last to arrive, Birger." Commented Elif while glancing at the seated guests as he and Birger sat in their seats directly beside one another.

"Luckily, no, otherwise it would be slightly embarrassing." Replied Birger with a slight smile while also glancing at the seated guests and occasionally greeting them with a nod.

"Hahaha, Prince Elif, we meet again!" Said Goliath with a hearty laugh, who was sitting directly to the left of Birger.

"Yes, well, it hasn't been that long since we last spoke, not even an hour; however, how come you're so small compared to before?" Said Elif as he eyed Goliath, only now noticing his small stature, though he was still larger than everyone at the dining table.

"Haha, well, because of our large stature, we Titans are required to practice the Body Morphing technique, as most places do not have accommodations for us." Replied Goliath loudly with a chuckle, causing Uno, who was standing behind him, to release a sigh while palming his face in frustration.

"Haa, I give up; do whatever you want." Muttered Uno as he looked at Goliath.

"I suppose that makes sense, though it'd be quite amusing to see a fifteen-meter Titan sitting at the dining table." Remarked Elif with a chuckle, his statement also causing Goliath to laugh.

"You're a Titan, Prince Goliath!?" Exclaimed Echo in surprise, who was sitting opposite Goliath beside a Centaur.

"Yep, I'm a Titan!" Replied Goliath with a large smile, his words slightly surprising everyone.

"I've heard that Titans are incredibly massive and covered in large muscles; looking at this miniature version of you, it must be true." Said Echo while gazing at Goliath's bare upper body, a sight that caused Elif to shake his head.

"I'm usually complimented on my impressive physique all the time; however, when it's coming from someone such as yourself, who not only has an equally impressive physique but also seems to be a devoted lover of muscles. The compliment means that much more." Said Goliath with a giant smile, his words causing Echo to turn bashful again, though luckily, Elif was there to interfere with their conversation.

"Well, while I'm sure the two of you would love to talk about the different muscle groups, and other things related to the physique, I suggest waiting until the banquet is over, as it isn't exactly the best time for such a conversation." Stated Elif while glancing at the two of them, though he was mainly speaking toward Echo lest she starts another rant.

"Y-Yes, you're right, Prince Elif; now wouldn't be the best time for such a talk; let's postpone this until tomorrow or a later date, Prince Goliath, that is, of course, if you wish to join me." Said Echo as she calmed down and returned to normal.

"Hahaha, If it involves anything related to one's physique, count me in!" Replied Goliath with a hearty laugh, not knowing what lay in store for him.

"If it's about one physique, may I join as well? Believe it or not, we druids also have quite a strong physique." Asked Birger as he joined the conversation between Echo and Goliath.

"Haha, the more, the merrier!"

"But, of course, Prince Birger!" Replied Echo with a smile as the three of them started talking amongst themselves; luckily though, the topic wasn't about muscles; otherwise, Echo would've already started ranting.

While those three were having their own conversation, I shifted my focus to the Centaur sitting directly across from Birger, who was currently talking with Eyvor.

"Sorry to interrupt the conversation, Eyvor, but I haven't had the opportunity to introduce myself." Said Elif as he interrupted the conversation, causing the two of them to eye Elif.

"You haven't met Shelia yet? I imagine you'd have approached her before the banquet started." Replied Eyvor with a raised eyebrow as she glanced between Elif and Shelia.

"I'd planned to talk with her; however, my interaction with Echo went on for far longer than I'd anticipated, and by the time I finished, you and Birger had arrived." Said Elif while sighing as he remembered those dreadful forty minutes.

"Oh, well then; Shelia, this is Prince Elif, who I'm sure you already know, and Prince Elif, this Shelia, one of the two direct disciples of the Divine Half sects, Sect Master." Announced Eyvor as she introduced the two of them to each other.

"I've heard many rumors about you, Prince Elif; it's an honor to meet you finally." Stated Shelia solemnly.

"What did those rumors mention? Were they about how devastatingly charming I am?" Said Elif with a narcissistic smile while flipping his long silver hair, causing Shelia to slightly blush while not knowing how to answer; luckily, Eyvor intervened.

"Haa, you don't need to answer that, Sheila; just ignore Prince Elif's narcissistic statements; it's for the best." Advised Eyvor with a bland expression while sighing.

"Ho, that is quite hurtful, you know, Eyvor; besides, do you think she'll be able to resist my Elven charm?" Remarked Elif with a smirk as he ignored Eyvor and winked at the Centaur, causing the blush on her face to deepen slightly.

"You're not the first Elf; I've interacted with Prince Elif; my Elder Brother is actually an Elf. Half-Elf, to be exact. So I'm quite confident in resisting your so-called charm." Said Shelia solemnly, the blush on her face slowly diminishing.

"Is that so? It seems like you have some resistance toward an Elf's charm; then again, he isn't a Royal Elf, is he?" Asked Elif with a light smile as he leaned back in his chair while fanning himself.

"Now that you mention your elder brother, why didn't he come with you?" Asked Eyvor curiously.

"While Elder brother wished to partake in your celebration party, when he realized that you would attend, he figured it would best not to since he didn't know how Prince Elif might feel about a Half-Elf." Said Shelia as she suspiciously looked at Elif.

"Well, tell your Elder brother he was thinking too much; from my perspective, he is no different than any other Elf. Besides, if I had a problem with Half-Elves, I wouldn't have kept Illumia as my personal servant." Remarked Elif as he pointed toward Illumia, who had been quietly standing behind him.

"If that is true, I very much appreciate it, and I'm sure Elder Brother will be somewhat relieved knowing that you don't hold any ill will toward him." Replied Shelia with a slight smile, though while she thought Elif was merely saying comforting words, he was being truthful; however, that explanation would be for the near future.

"So, Miss Illumia is a Half-Elf? I'm curious, what is your other Half?" Asked Eyvor in curiosity as she eyed the expressionless Illumia.

"My Mother was a Demon, specifically a Succubus." Replied Illumia blandly, though her words did surprise both Shelia and Eyvor.

"That is quite surprising, a Succubus and an Elf; I'm inquisitive about how two very different species managed to fall in love and have a child." Commented Eyvor with interest, though two people arrived before she could ask any further questions.

"Matriarch and Patriarch Aasveig have arrived!" Announced two guards who were standing beside the dining hall entrances.

The moment the guards announced their presence, the entire dining hall quickly quieted down, as everyone stood up while all eyes were shifted to the approaching Patriarch and Matriarch Aasveig. Once they arrived near their seats, which were to the right of me at the end of the table, everyone sat back down while waiting for Patriarch Aasiveg to officially start the celebratory banquet.

"Thank you for your patience, and before I begin the banquet, I'd like to make a small toast for the guests who went out of their way to attend my daughter's birthday celebration." Stated Patriarch as he grabbed a glass of wine and raised it in the air before taking a sip; everyone present did the same.

"Now, I'd like to make a special thanks to our two long-time allies; the Divine Druid Kingdom and the Immortal Elven Empire!" Declared Patriarch again as he took a sip from his cup while everyone else also did the same.

"It's only natural for us to attend Patriarch Aasveig; not to mention, even if we weren't allies, Eyvor is a good friend of mine." Said Birger with a light smile as he glanced at Eyvor, to which she smiled back.

"I completely agree with Birger, though next time, if it isn't too much trouble, how about sending the invitation letters when the birthday celebration isn't only a week away? I wasn't given much time to acquire presents." Stated Elif with a raised eyebrow as he eyed Eyvor; his statement elicited a chuckle from everyone.

"Haha, well then, last but certainly not least, my own daughter, who I love with all of my heart, Eyvor Aasveig. Happy twelfth birthday, Dear." Announced Patriarch with a giant smile while looking at Eyvor as he downed the rest of the contents of his cup.

"Stop trying to exclude me on our daughter's birthday, you fool. Happy birthday Eyvor." Said Matriarch lightly as she elbowed Patriarch, causing the dining hall to erupt in laughter while Eyvor chuckled slightly.

"Ow, you don't need to be so rough. Anyways, since today is my daughter, our daughter's important day, I'll allow her to officially start the banquet." Declared Patriarch while rubbing his side as he sat down next to Matriarch.

"Don't take too long, Eyvor; I'm trying to eat some lightning cherries; it's been over an hour since I've had any." Remarked Elif as he eyed Eyvor, who was standing up, resulting in Eyvor, Birger, Shelia, Echo, and Goliath chuckling.

"Thank you, Father and Mother. Now I know my Father has already said this, but I'd like to personally thank all of the guests that attended my celebration party; I've put a lot of effort into making this a celebration to remember, and your presence means quite a lot. With nothing left to say, let us start this banquet before we have a grumpy Elf on our hands!" Declared Eyvor with a large, beautiful smile, causing many young men to fantasize about her as she officially announced the beginning of the banquet.


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