Chapter 203: Ancestral Land

Seeing Ancestor Zal, knowing my speculation had been correct, I gave Elaine a quick kiss on the lips before reluctantly standing up and approaching her; I was still not fully healed, but the remaining injuries weren't severe enough to hamper my day-to-day activities, they'd only show themselves if I were to engage in an intense battle like before.

"It's nice to see how much you've grown Elif, from a baby to a young man garnering Progenitor Lourdes's attention; last time we interacted, I was holding you in my arms when I suggested a name for you, which Empress Maria decided to use." Replied Ancestor Zal with a soft smile as she touched Elif's cheeks and gently rubbed them together, contorting his face into unnatural expressions.

"Hmm, I see where Great-grandmother gets it from; it must be hereditary; who knows how deep this goes into the family." Remarked Elif with a twitching expression as he looked at Ancestor Zal, who merely smiled in response before retracting her hands.

"Anyways, seeing how you were expecting an Ancestot to visit you, I imagine you also have an inkling as to why that is, Elif?" Asked Ancestor Zal with a raised eyebrow as she smiled and glanced at Elaine, who was filled with curiosity.

"Let me guess; Progenitor Lourdes wishes to speak with me? I couldn't think of anything else, especially not after how deeply involved she was with my awakening if you'll even call it as such." Replied Elif with a slight frown, still very much annoyed with Progenitor Lourdes, something Zal could discern, though she happened to find it amusing.

"Yes, you're spot on; it's an incredibly rare opportunity to speak with someone as experienced and knowledgeable as Progenitor Lourdes. Just a single one of her words would be enough to deepen your understanding of the Dao of Cultivation dramatically." Stated Ancestor Zal with an expression of respect and adoration as she spoke about Progenitor Lourdes while gazing at Elif with slight envy.

"Even if that's true, given the differences in our cultivation base, Progenitor Lourdes's words will be far too advanced for me to comprehend; I'm still merely a divine after all." Said Elif as he shook his head, his words causing Zal to chuckle lightly in response.

"Hehe, you're not wrong; even to this day, there are some things I haven't been able to comprehend." Commented Zal as she regained her composure and focused on Elaine, as it was the first time she'd met her.

"Nice to finally meet you, little Elaine; I hope you don't mind if I take your future Emperor away from you." Said Zal with a light smile as she looked at Elaine, who was standing right beside Elif before reaching her hands down and doing the same thing she did to Elif.

"W-Well, it d-depends Ancestor, h-how long will B-Brother be gone for?" Asked Elaine in slight annoyance, finding it somewhat difficult to speak when someone constantly shapes your face to their liking.

"That's a wonderful question, though unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you; I was merely told to bring Elif to her so she can speak with him." Replied Zal lightly with furrowed brows as she retracted her hands and held them behind her back before glancing back at Elif.

"Then, can I come along with, Brother?" Asked Elaine as she attempted to use her cuteness on Zal, though unfortunately for her, such a thing proved useless.

"Sadly, no, Progenitor Lourdes only wants to speak with Elif; speaking of her, we should get going, young one, can't keep her waiting. I've already informed Empress Maria and Emperor Marcus of your departure; all that's left is to enter the Royal Ancestral land." Said Zal with a shake of her head as she brought her hand down in a slicing motion, causing a tear in space to appear, which released a heavenly aroma along with incredibly dense atmospheric Qi.

While Elaine was quietly grumbling to herself, I glanced at the portal Ancestor Zal had just created, which I presumed led to the Royal Ancestral land, and was quite surprised by how dense the Qi was; I had already thought my room, which was engraved with powerful Qi absorbing formations was already a dense as it could get, or at least close to it. However, the density I could sense leaking through the portal was many times denser than the Qi in my room, though, of course, such a thing wasn't surprising, considering the Ancestral land was filled with beings of incredibly mighty cultivation bases, capable of absorbing colossal amounts of Qi in mere seconds; I just didn't imagine the difference would be so large.

'It's also completely pure as well.' Mused Elif with a raised eyebrow as he inspected the Qi that leaked through the portal.

"Could you give me a moment, Ancestor Zal?" Asked Elif as he turned away from the portal, which Zal was in the process of entering, before focusing on Elaine, who was still grumbling.

"Alright, but do be quick." Replied Zal with a nod as she glanced at Elif and Elaine before vanishing into the portal.

"Brother, do you have to go?" Asked Elaine with a frown while looking at Elif with her adorable eyes, trying to persuade him as she had this feeling he'd be gone for a long time.

"Well, I don't really have a choice, even if I decided to stay; it's not like Ancestor Zal can't just force me to accompany her." Replied Elif with a soft smile as he affectionately rubbed Elaine's head, slightly improving her mood.

"But, Progenitor Lourdes is incredibly beautiful; what if she tries to steal you away from me?" Muttered Elaine quietly with a dangerous expression as her eyes started to show signs of madness; luckily for her, everything was hidden from Elif's view.

"Hmm, what did you say, Elaine?" Asked Elif curiously as he lifted her face up by the chin, only to see her adorable smiling face.

"I was just saying I would miss you, Brother." Replied Elaine with a lovely smile, causing Elif to smile in response.

"I won't be gone for long, Elaine, hopefully at least, but just in case I am, let's make these few moments count." Said Elif with a seductive expression as he gently forced Elaine's head back before looking directly over, his silver hair acting as a curtain that hid their faces from view.

"What do you have in mind, Brother?" Asked Elaine with a smile while looking up at Elif as she got on her toes and attempted to kiss him, but he was still too tall.

Seeing how eager Elaine was, I was tempted to tease her, but as we were on a time limit, I didn't; instead, I reached down, our lips connecting as we engaged in a kiss for the umpteenth time today, though unlike previously, this was much more passionate. For multiple minutes, we continued kissing, losing ourselves in this addictive feeling, though unfortunately, it was forced to come to an end.

"Haa, youth." Muttered Zal with a shake of her head as she looked at Elif and Elaine kissing, their curtain of hair providing no semblance of privacy.

Hearing Ancestor Zal, knowing it was time to leave, I very reluctantly separated my lips from Elaine, creating a string of saliva, only to see her slightly blushing while looking at me with such yearning in her beautiful golden eyes, causing me to momentarily waver at such a suggestive appearance, as I wanted nothing more than to spend the remainder of the day relishing the addictive feeling of Elaine's soft lips pressed against mine.

'No, restrain yourself, Elif.' Thought Eif as he closed his eyes and calmed his rapidly beating heart, which was pumping blood toward his rising manhood.

Once I had calmed myself, which was a rather difficult endeavor, I opened my eyes, only to see Elaine still staring at me, though while she still looked very beautiful, it was much less effective now that I was calm.

"We'll continue where we left off once I return, okay Elaine?" Asked Elif with a seductive smirk as he trailed his finger across Elaine's cheek before turning around and approaching Zal.

"O-Okay, B-Brother." Replied Elaine softly, seemingly in a daze from kissing Elif so passionately.

"You ready? If so, let us go." Asked Ancestor Zal, to which Elif responded, followed by Zal nodding her head and stepping into the portal.

"Bye, Elaine." Said Elif with a smile as he waved at Elaine, still motionlessly standing there before entering the portal.



While walking down the white portal alongside Ancestor Zal, I started wondering what Progenitor Lourdes and I were going to talk about; I mean, besides the awakening of my mysterious intent. However, I wasn't given a long time to contemplate as we suddenly exited the portal and arrived within the Ancestral land, a sight that filled me with awe.

"Welcome to the Ancestral land, Elif. Usually, no one is permitted to enter this place until you're three generations older than the current Emperor and Empress, but there are occasionally special cases, just like yours." Stated Ancestor Zal with a slight smile as she looked at Elif as he gazed upon the Ancestral Land.

To say the Ancestral land was beautiful would be me lying; it was gorgeous. The vast grassy plains, extensive forests, occasional hills, and distant mountains gave it a sense of nature at its finest, a sight that is comparable to our Sacred land. However, what was truly astonishing was the utterly gargantuan tree far in the distance, its size causing the Erdtree to look like a mere sapling; the tree was so massive its canopy blocked the sky from my sight, its large leaves, and twisting branches turning into the sky itself.