Chapter 253: Opening Presents

With the dimension rings from every present guest on the tray, except for the Divine Phoenix Clan, as we'd already agreed upon a present four years prior, everyone in the hall focused intently on numerous dimension rings as I reached forward, grabbing one from the bottom, which was from the Ancient Cloud Sect.

Scanning the contents of the ring with my divine sense, I had expected an ancient sect not to bring anything exceptional, though I was pleasantly surprised at what I saw; it wasn't something extraordinary, far from it, though it was something we didn't have a plentiful supply of it in the royal treasury, so it was welcomed.

'Hmm, a Void Crystal? That's unexpected, though this is a pretty decent present; Elaine has been using quite a few of these to further her understanding of the void, so I'm sure she'll be happy about this.' Mused Elif lightly with a slightly raised eyebrow as he looked at the rainbow crystal, which had lightning occasionally jutting out of it.

Void Crystals aren't anything miraculous; they are created within the void and are the core of a void storm; removing one means the void storm will dissipate; they are by no means hard to get, even I could get one, granted it would dangerous, and I would need to find a newly formed void storm. If one wants to get a more potent void crystal, one must wait for the void storm to strengthen, which will, in turn, purify and enhance the void crystal, and that comes at the cost of making it all the more dangerous.

The void crystal in this dimensions ring is about the size of me, which is considered decently large; only someone at Mother or Father's strength would be capable of acquiring one; granted, its purity isn't the best, from what I can tell, it's got about ninety-two percent purity, which isn't bad, but could be better.

"I very much appreciate the Void Crystal; this will be very handy for my sister's comprehension of the void in the future." Stated Elif with an amiable smile as he glanced at the cloud sect sitting far to the left, earning him a polite nod from the sect master and a toast from the sect's heir.

"You're welcome, Prince Elif." Said the heir to the sect with a large smile as he downed his cup of alcohol before looking at Elif.

Storing the dimension ring inside my own, I grabbed another one and scanned the contents, though just as I expected, the presents were rather mediocre; nothing special, nothing we weren't in need of, it was basic in my opinion, but, as it was from an Ancient hegemony, it was about as much as expected, so I wasn't disappointed or upset, just merely unimpressed. Thanking them for the present, I stored it in my ring before picking up a third one, yet just like the previous one, it was mediocre, and so was the fourth, fifth, and even sixth, though the seventh was a little interesting.

'Ho, a Dragons Reverse scale? We've got plenty of those, considering our relationship with them, but I'm rather surprised they were in possession of one.' Mused Elif with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the soft yet durable scale of a dragon before storing the dimension ring within his own.

"Quite an interesting gift, Eyeless Clan." Remarked Elif with a faint smirk as he glanced at a small group of people with similar approaches to humans, only they didn't have eyes.

"We're glad you'd find it as such." Said a young woman as she faced Elif with a slight blush while looking at him through her divine sense.

Although the Dragon's reverse scale was an interesting present, it wasn't all that impressive in the grand scheme of things. It mainly piqued my interest since I had just sorted through several mediocre presents, and speaking of mediocre, the next ten or so were rather boring. The eighteenth present was a little above average; the Worm Clan had gifted me silk made by their Queen, which was pretty good considering their kind made some of the softest silk in the OverRealm; there was enough to make a whole outfit so that was a welcome surprise.

Finally, the final gift, which was from the Frost Kingdom, was eon-aged alcohol stored within black ice, some of the coldest Ice in existence, with only Void ice and Primordial ice surpassing it in coldness in that order.

"I'm not much of a drinker, but this may change things." Said Elif with a smile as he looked at humanoids with ice jutting out of their body, forming what looked to be self-made clothes or armor.

"You're very much welcome, Prince Elif." Said the Queen as a light bluish blush adorned her blue cheeks, making it nearly impossible to notice.

Storing the final dimension ring within my own, which amounted to twenty-five, I grabbed another one, though this one belonged to a Divine hegemony instead. I was no longer going to get subpar presents; I shall at least be getting decent presents, and I was indeed correct. Scanning the dimension ring, I saw a sheathed sword embellished with various gems, crystals, and jewels; summoning a present for the first time from the dimension ring, I held the sheathed sword for all to see as I also inspected it with my own eyes.

Grabbing the golden black hilt, I unsheathed the sword, displaying a pearly white sword that glowed softly; raising it into the air, I injected Qi into it before slashing down at the sky, launching a purple sword wave, which slightly surprised most people at not only my actions but also at the might I displayed.

'Hmm, it's weaker than when I use Hokori, which makes sense; this is merely a decorative sword, not to mention that I've formed a bond with Hokori. Speaking of Hokori, it should be close to evolving to a Middle Heaven rank; it should only need a few more ores to consume along with some spirit stones.' Pondered Elif lightly as he stared at the white blade before sheathing it and storing it within his dimension ring.

"I know you wished to give that sword a try, but next time, warn someone if you plan to do that, Elif." Stated Maria with a slight frown as she eyed Elif before pointing to the ceiling at a slight scratch where his attack hit.

"Sorry, Mother." Said Elif gently as he glanced at Maria, who nodded before looking at a group of women, who all blushed when they saw him looking their way.

"A wonderful gift. It can't compare to my sword, but it carries an impressive amount of might for a mere decorative weapon. The Amazonian Clan truly has a way with swords." Remarked Elif with a slight smile as he looked at the tall, slightly muscular woman, whose blush deepened at his praise.

"We thank you for your compliments, Prince Elif; I was the one who suggested such a gift, as I know you're an established swordsman yourself." Remarked a tall, muscular, yet beautiful woman wearing a golden tiara as she sat beside a woman who looked practically identical to her.

"Also, excuse my rudeness, but as a swordsman myself, I was hoping I'd have the honor of possibly sharing our knowledge about the sword." Added the woman with a subtle blush and a smile as she looked at Elif, causing Elaine and nearly every woman to glare at her while the men sighed.

"I'd love to, Diana, but I won't be available tomorrow; something important has come up, though; if you don't mind waiting an extra day, I wouldn't mind giving you a few tips about the sword." Replied Elif as he glanced at Elaine, causing his member to harden, though he quickly suppressed his raging lust before looking back at Diana and winking at her, causing her cheeks to take on a crimson tint.

Seeing Diana meekly nod her head was a sight that slightly surprised everyone as the Amazonians are known for being beautiful yet fierce warriors who show nothing but strength and ferocity, so seeing one behave so meekly was quite rare, even I had to admit, it was decently cute.

'Cute, huh? That is my lust talking, not me.' Thought Elif with a frown as he looked at Diana, who bashfully covered her face with her hands, before glancing at Elaine, staring daggers at her.

Whatever was happening to me was beginning to annoy me; before, it was merely an inconvenience that would have been solved tonight after Elaine, and I made love, though, for me to find someone other than Marley, Idonea, Illumia, Mandy, and Sara attractive, there was definitely something abnormal about this whole thing.

'Was I unknowingly poisoned?' Though Elif as he did a deep scan of his body, he ended up empty-handed, prompting him to wear a thoughtful expression, only to be broken out of his thoughts by Illumia.

"Your Highness, is everything alright?" Asked Illumia quietly as she looked at Elif, who shook his head.

As I could still control myself, I saw no reason to inform Illumia about it, so I shook my head, not to mention I was currently in the middle of something rather important, and leaving right now would be awkward.

"No, everything is fine; I was just thinking about something, that's all." Remarked Elif lightly as he shook his head before grabbing another dimension ring and scanning it with his divine sense.