"Well, well, well, if it isn't, Comet; it's been quite some time, for you at least; your bone age is roughly four-hundred and twenty years. After you managed to escape from my grasp, you must've had a rough time; so, how were my presents? I hope you liked them." Remarked Elif pridefully as he slowly approached Comet while unleashing his Immortal will, forcing Comet back with every step he took.
Comet must not have liked my little remark since his face morphed into a rage as he grabbed his sword and attacked me from a distance, launching a dazzling white sword wave at me; yet, thanks to my Immortal will, the closer it got, the weaker it became until it harmlessly dissipated into Qi once it hit my body.
"Ho, I must admit, you've gotten stronger since I last saw you; I suppose four hundred years will do that to you, but still, despite spending so long, I've achieved everything you have and then some within only eight years. Merely a fiftieth of the time you experienced, and you still couldn't close the gap between us, yet you dare to show your face within the OverRealm? You must be either incredibly stupid or just plain ignorant, not realizing how much power I truly hold within the OverRealm." Declared Elif proudly with a faint smirk as he dusted off his clothes while continuing to step forward, though unlike before, he wasn't forcing Comet back with his every step, allowing them to truly get closer.
"B-Bastard! I-I swear, on my dao heart, I'll kill you!" Yelled Comet angrily with venom in his eyes while staring at Elif, who tilted his head before merely chuckling in amusement.
"Hehe, you're more than welcome to try, just know…" Remarked Elif with a faint smile hidden behind his Quạt tay, only for him to use his movement technique, Elven Body Flicker, to suddenly appear standing before Comet, towering over him.
"…You're now in my domain, and here, I won't be holding back like I did so before. I'd like to see you try to resist my true might." Said Elif lightly as he looked deeply into Comet's eyes while raising his hand, forming a large purple palm in the air.
Despite me only being a peak Divine Lord, close to breaking through to the early Divine King Realm, the might my palm was giving off was equivalent to a peak Half-step Celestial cultivator, and although it was only for the briefest of seconds, I saw slight signs of fear in his eyes, only for him to harden his gaze while faintly smirking, which caused me to furrow my brows. Before I could even properly think what was going on, I felt his cultivation base suddenly tremble, and the next thing I knew, while standing directly in front of me, he advanced to a peak Divine, causing me to instantly dissipate the purple palm in the air as I intently stared at him.
'Huh, just like back in the Spirit realm, I see nothing has changed; good to know.' Mused Elif with a nod while faintly frowning and looking at Comet, who stareed back provokingly.
"Do it; I'll defeat everyone and everything you throw my way." Stated Comet with a smirk as he looked up at Elif with new and improved cultivation, though he seemed unimpressed.
"That system of yours is capable of granting you powerful and unique artifacts that'll help you survive attacks even from some decently powerful cultivators; however, you won't be able to do much when faced against someone like Illumia." Remarked Elif with a nod as he glanced at Comet, only to faintly smirk while gesturing to Illumia, who suddenly vanished before appearing behind Comet, though before she could do anything, a wave of fire suddenly erupted between her and Comet, causing her to glance towards the left.
Sensing the presence of a powerful phoenix, I turned to the right and spotted Patriarch Renata, along with Spica, who was giving me a murderous look, one that I completely ignored as she wasn't a threat to me. With those two arriving, I retracted my Immortal will, with Comet doing the same as he ignored me and looked at Spica while Patriarch Renata looked at me with a slightly complicated expression, though I already had a clue what he was going to say, so I merely waved my hand.
"Yeah, yeah, I know; no killing him because he's now affiliated with the Divine Phoenix Clan, and since he's a bearer of an Immortal will, I'm sure the Phoenix Clan Ancestors will do a good job of keeping him safe won't they?" Remarked Elif in slight annoyance as he dismissively waved his hand at Renata, stopping him before he could open his mouth and causing him to wryly nod.
"Y-Yes. It seems you're well informed, Prince Elif; however, yes, I've received orders from our Ancestors to protect him to the best of our ability as we've learned you two share some bad blood between each other." Stated Patriarch Renata formally as he cupped his hands toward Elif, trying to appease him, knowing just how vital Comet was to the future growth of their clan.
"So, how badly is the Phoenix Clan willing to protect Comet? I'm curious." Asked Elif with a faint smile as he suddenly reached his hand outward towards Comet, manifesting a purple palm that suddenly grabbed him before lifting him into the air.
Although Comet was most likely benefiting from being exposed to my Qi, I had only used enough strength to keep him contained; I hadn't gone overboard like I did before, as there was no need for me to strengthen him even further. However, just as I started to squeeze, my Qi was suddenly burnt to ashes, causing Comet to land back on the ground while Patriarch Renata protectively stood before him and adorned a rather troubled expression.
"The Ancestors had said if it became too serious, we'd be willing to even go back on our word of providing you access to the Flame of Rebirth." Declared Renata solemnly as he looked at Elif, who suddenly smirked before chuckling while Comet's eyes widened in surprise.
"What!? T-That bastard Elif is also getting a chance to bathe within the Flame of Rebirth!?" Exclaimed Comet in shock as he glared at Elif before looking at Spica and Renate, the former softly blushing in shame while looking away.
"Hehe, so, not only would you be willing to go back on your word, you'd be making a fool out of the Elven Empire after one of your own had tried to mortally kill me within your domain. Tell me something, Renata, are your ancestors senile?" Remarked Elif with an amused expression as he slowly approached Renata, losing the honorifics while daring to even disrespect the Phoenix Clan Ancestors, causing him to sport an ugly expression.
"Do you know what would happen if you were to do so? Apparently, your foolish Ancestors have no idea. Mother had threatened to destroy the entire Phoenix Clan when she had learned I was attacked with the intent to kill; though I'm merely exaggerating, the Elven Empire wouldn't have gone that far; after all, I wasn't harmed in the slightest. However, if you were to go back on your word, humiliating the Elven Empire alongside what I previously mentioned…" Stated Elif lightly as he waved his Quạt tay at Renata before standing in front of him, causing his expression to worsen, only for Elif to smile softly.
"… You may not be destroyed, but I've got no doubt we'll use you as an example so the other Divine and Ancient hegemonies don't start getting restless. After all, someone very wise and old had told me long periods of peace make one forget about the past." Added Elif softly with a proud smile as he outstretched his hand and patted Renata's head before the large crowd, shocking everyone at the blatant disrespect, yet, to everyone's surprise, he didn't so much as flinch.
"I'm sure you don't wish to be an example of what the past used to be like. Do you, Renata? Do you, Phoenix Clan?" Declared Elif with immense pride as he spread his immortal will and voice throughout the entire Phoenix Clan, blatantly provoking them.
Faintly smirking at Renata, who was doing his best to suppress his anger, I retracted my hand back down to my side before slowly walking away.
"Remember, you're merely a Divine Clan; if the Immortal Elven Empire so wished, you'd be snuffed out within a night's time." Said Elif with a faint smile while walking towards Illumia, who was wryly smiling.
Renata didn't say anything, most likely opting to stay silent lest he allow his rage to cloud his judgment and do something he'd soon regret.
'Heh, it seems the Divine Phoenix Clan must've gotten a little ahead of themselves now that they've got someone with an Immortal will on their side, yet they failed to realize he's still a weakling. My little threat might not have meant much considering my power, but it will at least get them to rethink, and if it doesn't, oh well, I could care less if the Divine Phoenix Clan is removed from the OverRealm.' Mused Elif lightly as he shook his head and approached Elaine, who had been silently standing off to the side, watching everything, though it seemed Comet didn't like that.
"What do you think you're doing, Elif!? Get away from her!" Exclaimed Comet angrily as he clenched his fist and pointed at Elif, who glanced at him in confusion.
"Are you stupid? Can you not see the uncanny resemblance? She's my little sister." Said Elif lightly as he stood beside Elaine, causing Comet to widen his eyes while glancing between the two.