Chapter 288: Elif's Rebirth

As the mighty presence converged around the Divine Phoenix Clan, it suppressed every being within the territory, traversing numerous dimensions and even forcing the powerful ancestors, the backbone of the Clane, to their very knees as they helplessly fell before the mighty presence. Once the presence reached the Rebirth dimension, the same happened there; it suppressed Patriarch Renata, the Ancestor who was stopping Illumia, Comet, and Illumia herself, forcing all three of them onto their hands and knees.



'F-Fuck, s-such p-power, t-this presence i-is even forcing t-the ancestor o-onto her knees!' Thought Comet in shock as he glanced at Patriarch Renata and the Ancestor, marveling at the might the presence wielded.

'H-Heh, I-I wonder how much m-my system is absorbing, i-it must be a-a tremendous a-amount!' Thought Comet with a massive grin as he opened his system, causing an ethereal bluish screen to appear in the air right before him, though, to his absolute shock, his points weren't rapidly increasing; in fact, they weren't even going up.

'W-What the? G-Gel! W-What's h-hapening!?' Exclaimed Comet in slight anger as he glanced at Gel, who appeared floating in the air beside the bluish screen.

'What's happening? Well, it's quite simple; it's just an incredibly unfortunate circumstance. You see, Comet, the creator of this system, had made it so that it can absorb any type of Qi and convert it into a different Qi so that the user, who is you, can then use it to help improve your cultivation base or buy things from the shop, though that was only thought of later.' Said Gel lightly as she flapped her small, butterfly wings while flying around the systems, bluish screen, pausing so Comet could properly follow along.

'However, there is only one small problem: the creator couldn't make it so the system could absorb Qi from someone stronger than him, which is only reasonable when you think about it. Such a thing also wasn't that big of a deal; the creator was a powerful cultivator, with very few beings at his level, let alone stronger than him; however, there was one being who was stronger than him, and that is a woman most commonly known as Progenitor Lourdes.' Added Gel solemnly as she stopped flying and positioned herself right in front of Comet, who deeply frowned while tilting his head in concussion.

'W-Who is P-Progenitor L-Lourdes? I-Is she beautiful?' Questioned Comet curiously as he eyed Gel, whose face threatened to twitch at his words.

'Beautiful? I don't know; the creator has never seen her face, though given that she's a Royal Elf, she's most likely beautiful. As for her? She's the Progenitor of the Immortal Elven Empire, Prince Elif's oldest living Ancestor, and the unspoken strongest being in all of existence.' Remarked Gel seriously, her words causing a lustful glint to appear within his eyes, only for them to suddenly widen in shock.



Gazing at the ashes of His Highness, I tried my damnedest to resist this might that pressured me to my knees while my heart cried out in pain; I couldn't even circulate Qi through my own body; the pressure had made me entirely immobile.

'Y-Your Highness.' Muttered Illumia with a teary-eyed expression full of anguish as she looked at the raging, multicolored flame that was enveloping Elif's ashes.

I felt at fault; no, I was at fault. Even when I saw parts of his body slowly turn to ash, I didn't move; I simply bit my lip and stayed composed, deciding to place my faith in His Highness; he wasn't foolish, and I trusted him with my life, so I could trust him with his own. Yet, in the end, because of my hesitance, he's been killed; his soul, his body, his everything has vanished within the raging flame.

I couldn't tell Their Majesties that I had allowed their firstborn, whom they entrusted me to protect, to die while under my watch; I wasn't so brazen to dare ever even think about doing such a thing. No. For my failure, I'll take my own life once I regain control of my body.

'I'm sorry.' Thought Illumia softy as tears fell onto the ground, crying for the first time since the death of her parents, which was many MANY years ago.

Amidst my crying, I sensed the Flame of Rebirth began to slowly shrink as it receded towards its small, flickering figure; yet, while that was happening, within the center of the flame, where His Highness's ashes lay, I noticed a spark within the air above them. Not the spark-like ones igniting a fire, but instead, the spark of life, one that is created when a soul is finally birthed within the womb, turning the growing husk into a baby.

With the appearance of that spark of life, I saw hope as I stared at the small, floating soul the size of my thumb, which started to grow in size and strength, skipping numerous cultivation realms before it finally floated in the air, looking exactly like an ethereal appearance of his Highness, something that couldn't make me ecstatic. It didn't matter whether his physique was burnt to ashes or not so long as his soul was alive.

However, I might've spoken too soon since the ashes on the ground rose and surrounded His Highness's soul, only for his original, heavenly physique to slowly reconstruct itself in all his marvelous glory. When his physique was fully reconstructed, the flame, which was just barely enveloping him, suddenly shrunk down towards its small, flickering self, leaving the body of His Highness standing on the ground with his eyes closed. Yet, no longer was I crying tears of sadness but tears of joy; I didn't believe I'd ever been so happy or sad on the same day.

'H-His Highness, h-he's alive.' Thought Illumia ecstatically as she gazed deeply at Elif, whose eyes suddenly flickered before opening, only to glance at her slight confusion with his mesmerizing purple eyes.



'That was… Terrifying. To think I had truly died.' Mused Elif softly as he opened his eyes and glanced at Illumia, who was crying while looking at him, causing him to frown.

Seeing Illumia cry was a first, but it wasn't enjoyable by any means; she was my future concubine, so why would I find her tears enjoyable? However, before I could say anything, I sensed Progenitor Lourdes's presence, causing me to tilt my head in confusion, though shortly after I had sensed her, she promptly retreated, vanishing entirely from the Rebirth dimension and allowing the four before me to regain control of their body, and just as they did, I felt arms tightly wrap around my body while my face was stuffed into a pair of soft and comfy watermelons.

"Y-Your H-Highess." Muttered Illumia softly with silent tears as she cried on Elif's shoulder while holding his head into her ample bust.

"Yes, I'm right here?" Asked Elif softly with a faint smirk; his facial expressions were hidden thanks to his face being stuffed into a hefty cleavage.

I didn't get a single response other than sniffling as Illumia continued to cry, so I just shrugged my shoulders and hugged Illumia; after all, I knew exactly the type of pain she was feeling. I, too, know what it's like to believe someone you love with all your heart has been killed; granted, Illumia also seems to have feelings for Mother, so she doesn't love me as deeply as I love Elaine, but either way, I still understand the pain. So for a few minutes, I simply hugged Ilumia while enjoying her massive bust, which I find quite amusing since when I was little, I found them to be pointless, but now that I've grown and come to appreciate a woman's body, they were very lovely.

'I was merely an ignorant child back then; after making love with Elaine, I've been enlightened.' Thought Elif softly as he sniffed, deeply inhaling Illumia's womanly smell, only for her to suddenly removed his head from her bust.

"Finally done cry-" Asked Eif with a mischievous smirk, only, his lips were promptly sealed by Illumia as she passaintly kissed him, uncaring for the three spectators who were all gazing at them with varying degrees of jealousy.

As I wasn't one to shy away, I gladly reciprocated the kiss, but I don't know what had overcome Illumia, but I felt her reach down and grasp my crotch, catching me by surprise as I opened my eyes and glanced at her.

'Save that for later, Illumia; I'm no exhibitionist.' Said Elif softly via divine sense as he reached down and removed her Illumia's hand, causing her to open her eyes, staring into his mesmerizing purple eyes while she softly nodded with eyes full of love.

Removing myself from Illumia's embrace, I floated my dimension ring, which was on the ground, onto my finger before summoning an outfit that I promptly wore, and while I didn't like it as much as my previous outfit, it was still beautiful.

"Well than, we can talk later, I'm quite exhausted, so I'd like to return to my residence to rest, is that fine Patriarch Renata?" Asked Elif lightly as he wrapped this arm around Illumia's shoulder, bringing her into his embrace, though really, he was using her for support.

"Y-Yes." Replied Renata softly with a nod as he did a slicing motin with his hand, cutting right through space, connecting this dimension witht he Over Realm, which Elif did not hesitate to walk through, appearing just outside his residence.

"Your Highness, I-I'd like to- Your Highness!?" Asked Illumia softly as she turned to look at Elif, only to find him unconsciously leaning onto her shoulder, causing her to pick him up in a princess carry and take him inside.