Chapter 315: Hundredth Step

(Note: Sorry for the late upload; I had been working on building my PC since I got home from school)

"Sarah, tell him." Stated Elif sternly as he stepped onto the seventy-first step while eyeing Sarah, who groaned before eventually nodding.

"I-I understand your Highness. I-I'll tell him… E-Eventually." Said Sarah softly, her words causing Elif's face to constantly twitch before he sighed and shook his head.

Ignoring Sarah, I continued up the steps while carrying her even though we had already passed the seventieth step; after all, I couldn't just set her down. She wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure against her dao heart, and it would shatter; if that happened, she could kiss her cultivation goodbye.

Instead, I was heading to the eightieth step to get Ember; she was having a hard time moving, and since I was already this far, I could walk a few more steps; it wasn't too big of a deal. Stepping onto the eightieth step, I subtly frowned as I felt the pressure upon my dao heart vastly increase as it began to affect me and slow my movements.

'Hmm, well, I'm carrying Sarah, so I'm not too surprised.' Mused Elif lightly as he shook his head before reaching down and picking up Ember, causing the pressure to increase again, though it still wasn't enough to stop him.

"Eh, y-your H-Highness?" Asked Ember lightly as she looked at Elif in exhaustion, causing him to nod while setting her atop Sarah.

"Yes, the one and only. You seemed to be having a rather difficult time, so I assisted you; however, I'm quite impressed you even managed to make it to the eightieth step. Excellent performance, Ember." Remarked Elif with a nod as he gazed down at Ember, who smiled amidst her exhaustion while he turned around before walking down the steps.

"T-Thank you, Y-Your H-Highness T-That means the world w-when coming f-from you." Said Ember softly with a large smile, causing Elif to nod before he glanced at Sarah.

"Sarah, do you mind taking Ember to my carriage? I'm skeptical if she can walk on her own right now." Asked Elif, his words causing Sarah to nod before she glanced at Ember, who was resting atop her body, using her small chest as a pillow.

Walking down the stairs was obviously easier than walking up it, but besides the seventies, even while carrying two people, I didn't notice the pressure against my dao heart. Once I reached the mid-thirties, I stopped before gently setting Sarah down on the step below me, causing a significant portion of the pressure to vanish.

"Make sure to reach the hundredth step, your Highness." Said Sarah with a smile as she waved at Elif before carefully walking down the steps while carrying Ember in her arms.

Smirking at Sarah's words, I shook my head and turned around again, heading towards the top since now that the problem with Sarah had been resolved, I could proceed towards the hundredth step as I doubted I'd reach it while carrying her.

"Though I do miss the feeling of her butt resting on my hand." Muttered Elif quietly as he practically flew past the forties, fifties, sixties, and seventies before finally arriving at the eighties.

Unlike before, this time, I wasn't carrying either Sarah or Ember, so the effects weren't nearly as substantial, and it wasn't enough to noticeably slow me down, but I did start to take my time as I prepared for the nineties.

Excluding Sarah, for obvious reasons, there weren't more than fifteen people who had managed to reach the eighties, which may seem little, but It was actually more than I anticipated. Reaching the eighty-fifth step, I stood between my two servants, who were both profusely sweating while intently focusing on the step in front of them; they didn't even register my presence from how focused they were.

Although slightly tempted to tease them, I left them be and didn't interrupt them as I stepped onto the eighty-sixth step where Birger, Echo, and Shelia were currently stuck, and they were intently focusing on the next step; Eyvor and Goliath were on the eighty-seventh step, one step above their peers and so far, no one has surpassed eighty-seventh step.

Seeing as all of my colleagues were intently concentrating on reaching the next step, I left them and quietly passed them, creating a new record amongst this group as I stepped onto the eighty-eighth step, followed by the eighty-ninth, only to step onto the ninetieth-step, causing me to freeze as a massive amount of pressure suddenly bombard my dao heart.

There is a massive jump in intensity every ten steps, so I had expected this, but I didn't anticipate the increase would be so huge; it made me think I had skipped ten whole steps from the increase in difficulty.

'However, if this is all the nineties has to offer, I'm confident in reaching the hundredth step.' Thought Elif as he took a moment to collect himself while all eyes were focused on him, watching his every move.

Raising my leg, I stepped onto the ninety-first step, and when I placed my other food down, I was once again bombarded with a massive pressure as if I had just skipped ten more steps, causing me to deeply frown as I stared up at the eight steps in front of me.

'Of course, how could it be so easy; now I'm no longer confident in reaching the hundredth step.' Mused Elif with a deep frown as he used these moments to collect his composure.

Seeing how every step going forward would have a massive spike in difficulty, I was forced to take this seriously since just the ninety-second step proved to be somewhat challenging, and there were still eight more steps to take. 

After I calmed my breathing, I took a deep breath before stepping onto the ninety-third step, causing the pressure against my dao heart to massively increase once more while I took a few minutes to get accustomed to the increased pressure before I attempted to take the next step.

As I stepped onto the ninety-fourth step, a bead of sweat dripped off my chin, falling through the ethereal steps, and while I noticed several women try to catch it, I was too preoccupied with resisting the pressure of the ninety-fourth step to care.

"I'm glad I'm wearing very breathable clothes." Muttered Elif lightly as he breathed unevenly while sweat dripped down his body, glistening against the sunlight from above, furthering his already perfect beauty.

This was proving to be much more challenging than I initially anticipated; I can't remember the last time when I actually sweat. Maybe when Elaine and I fought against that Nether realm Demon?

Shaking my head, I quickly got rid of such horrible memories while hardening my gaze and stepping onto the ninety-fifth step, the pressure significantly increasing once more while it became even more difficult.

At this point, regaining my composure would be a difficult thing and would most likely not be worth the time wasted, so once I got somewhat accustomed to the pressure, I pressed forward, stepping onto the ninety-sixth, then the ninety-seventh, followed by the ninety-eighth. However, by then, my dao heart was experiencing pressure like no other; even if someone were to combine all ninety-seven steps, the pressure still wouldn't amount to the ninety-eighth step.

'T-This is nearly worse than when Progenitor Lourdes tested me.' Thought Elif lightly, profusely sweating from his glands and coupled with his laborious breathing fully displaying his exhaustion.

Despite the intense pressure, I stood there for numerous minutes, trying to get accustomed to the pressure, but it just wasn't possible; it was too much, so I stepped onto the ninety-ninth step anyway, and in doing so, my leg buckled while a crack resounded throughout the OverRealm.

'No, not throughout the OverRealm.' Thought Elif as he looked inside the deepest part of himself before gazing at his own dao heart, only to see a single crack.

Looking at my damaged dao heart, I frowned and retracted my divine sense as I started thinking whether I should stop now, though I didn't even spend ten seconds of pondering before deciding what to do.

Staring at the final step, the hundredth step, I could feel tens of thousands of eyes staring at me while even more divine senses watched me from afar; however, I didn't bother with them; in fact, I stared at the hundredth step in front of me for so long I forget about their existence. I forget where I was and what I was doing; the only thing going through my mind was the step in front of me and the desire to reach it; my pride didn't let me settle for anything less than the absolute best, as that is what I was. I am the best. I am perfect.

"I am Elif August." Said Elif lightly as he stood atop the hundredth step, gazing at the world before him while everyone watching was beyond shocked that for a full minute no one even reacted.

Hearing the boisterous spectators down below, I ignored them and quickly walked off the edge; stepping onto the hundredth step had greatly damaged my dao heart; it was currently covered in cracks and on the edge of falling apart.

As I landed on the ground, despite being filled with nothing but exhaustion, I maintained my Princely image as I walked back to my carriage while ignoring all of my admirers; I didn't even glance at Illumia or Marley before entering my carriage.

"Congratulations, your Highness, I-I knew you could- Y-Your Highness!" Said Sarah with a smile as she stood up while gazing at Elif, who instantly collapsed from sheer exhaustion the moment the carriage door closed, prompting her to quickly catch him within her arms.