Chapter 317: Golden Coins

Stepping out of the carriage, I noticed besides Elder Axzul and the guards regarding their respective carriages, everyone else was gone, and if I had to guess, they had all entered that dimensional rift in the distance. Yawning, I wrapped my around Mandy and embraced her while I patiently waited for Sarah, Ember, Idonea, and Marley to exit my carriage.

"So, since I was resting and didn't get to listen to Elder Axzul, can someone explain this test?" Asked Elif curiously as he glanced at Sarah and his servants while stroking Mandy's face with his hand, causing her to faintly blush.

"The test is rather simple, your Highness…" Said Marley as she summoned a golden coin the size of her hand from her dimension ring before handing it to Elif, who closely observed it.

"…Everyone was given one of these golden coins, and all one must do is acquire ten while surviving until the end of the time limit." Added Marley softly as she glanced at Elif, who raised an eyebrow before nodding.

"Ho, I see. Now that all of the weak cultivators have been separated from the group, they're only allowing the strongest to pass the test." Remarked Elif lightly with a faint smirk while spinning the golden coin atop his finger.

Just as I was about to toss the golden coin back to Marley, Idonea stepped forward and held her golden coin towards with Ember promptly doing the same, causing me to faintly smile as I grabbed the two other golden coins before storing them within my dimension ring before glancing at Sarah, who proceed to protectively hold her dimension ring.

"D-Don't look at me like that, Your Highness; I'm not your servant." Said Sarah awkwardly as she hid her hand behind her back while eyeing Elif, who chuckled while shaking his head.

"Well then, let us not delay any longer. Wait right here for me, Mandy." Stated Elif lightly as he removed his arm from around Mandy's shoulder, slapping her butt in the process before floating towards the dimensional rift while being followed by Sarah and his three servants.

Landing before the dimensional rift, I was about to enter, but I promptly stopped when I remembered what had happened last time; turning around, I glanced between Sarah and Ember before summoning two silver medallions with the royal symbol on them. Gesturing towards the two, causing them to approach me, I handed them the two silver medallions, though while doing so, I couldn't help but give Sarah a weird look.

"I'm certain I've already given you one of these, Sarah; where is it?" Asked Elif curiously as he eyed Sarah, who faintly blushed before awkwardly looking away, causing him to stare blankly at her.

"Sarah, if you tell me you lost a royal guest medallion…" Remarked Elif sternly as he narrowed his eyes at Sarah, who quickly shook her head, causing him to raise an eyebrow though he still skeptically eyed her.

"N-No, not at all, your Highness! I'm not that clumsy. I-It's just, I-I left the medallion at home in my room since I-I didn't think I'd need it." Stated Sarah softly as she carefully glanced at Elif, whose face constantly twitched before he simply sighed and shook his head.

Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I promptly enveloped Sarah and Ember in my Qi as I didn't wish to listen to her anymore before transporting them both into my dimension ring. Shaking my head, I glanced at Marley, who was sheepishly smiling, and Idonea before stepping into the dimensional rift, only to appear within a forest, yet I wasn't given a single chance to observe my surroundings as a large Titanoboa promptly attacked me.

However, even though I knew it was far too weak to pierce my physique, I didn't wish for its disgusting mouth to touch me, so I swiftly evaded the Titanoba's lunge; however, rather than attacking it, I simply concealed my presence and sat on a tree branch while searching through my dimension ring for Sarah and Ember.

'Well, that is unfortunate, though I didn't expect my plan to work in the first place; however, I wasn't expecting this dimension also to have beasts; I was hoping it would just be cultivators. Those medallions I gave them will protect them from cultivators, but not beasts; they don't care about such things.' Mused Elif with a slight frown as he leaned against the tree while trying to find ways to locate Sarah and Ember.

Similar to the first test, our ability to fly has been taken away, yet we surprisingly had our divine sense, and after expanding it, enveloping the entire dimension along with the numerous cultivators fighting, I managed to locate both Sarah and Ember relatively easily, which was perfect. The only unfortunate thing was that Sarah was quite a distance away while Ember was actually pretty close; with the hard part out of the way, I leaped off the branch and headed towards Ember while traversing through the canopy of trees, moving from branch to branch.

I had passed a few cultivators along the way, but I was more concerned with getting to Ember; besides, I wasn't worried I wouldn't acquire ten coins; even if they only gave me one hour, it would still be too easy. After a few minutes of traversing through the trees, I spotted Ember, who was hiding within a tree, causing me to chuckle as I gracefully landed right beside her.

"This is all out of my league, your Highness." Said Ember softly with a disappointed expression as she turned and glanced at Elif, who promptly nodded.

"Yes, it is. But, I'm fairly confident if you were the same age as Marley or Idonea, you'd pass the acceptance exams, so in the grand scheme of things, you're merely arriving earlier than you're supposed to." Remarked Elif lightly while glancing at Ember before reaching down and scooping her into his arms as he gently stroked her, prompting her to transform into her true form of a small, fiery green phoenix.

Ember didn't respond and simply nodded while snuggling into my embrace, which caused me to slightly chuckle at how little she seemed to care about the test, but it also made sense, considering she was indeed too weak to provide any assistance.

Now that I had Ember, I made my way towards Sarah, who was patiently waiting for me in a relatively safe spot; however, along the way, I started taking golden coins from the cultivators that were unlucky enough to be in my path. It was effortless as every cultivator was too weak to be of any threat, so I simply pressured them with my Qi while outstretching my hand; by repeatedly doing that, I quickly acquired ten coins, especially since a few cultivators happened to have more than one, while some of them didn't even have a single coin.

"I appreciate your contribution." Said Elif lightly as he grabbed the three coins from the woman's hands, his finger slightly touching her palm in the process, causing her to aggressively lick it.

"Ahh, Prince Elif's taste!" Said the woman with a zeal look as she aggressively licked herself, causing Elif to give her a weird look.

Giving the woman a weird look, I softly grabbed her chin while forcing her to look up at me as we stared directly into each other's eyes, but that proved to be too much for this admirer of mine, as she promptly fainted.

"Huh, my admirers are so weird." Muttered Elif with a weird expression as he gently set the woman down while waving his hand, manifesting a large purple hand that enveloped the woman, seemingly protecting her.

Leaving the woman behind, I continued heading toward Sarah, who was very close now, while storing the excess coins within Ember's dimension ring; as of right now, she only needed four more before she had ten golden coins.

After a few more minutes and encountering one more cultivator, who had no coins for me, I finally arrived near Sarah, only to find her holding a crystal ball while watching videos of me bathing; shaking my head, I silently landed right behind her and patiently waited for the video to end.

"Haa, Elif is so gorgeous and sexy; it's surreal." Muttered Sarah softly with a faint blush as she stared at the crystal ball, only for someone to clear their throat, making their presence known.

"Ho, don't tell me you always say my name without any honorifics when you're by yourself, Sarah? That's not very respectful to your Prince." Remarked Elif with a slight frown as he stared at Sarah, who screamed in fear, causing her to fall off the boulder she was sitting on.

Looking down, I saw Sarah get a face full of dirt while also dirtying her outfit, causing me to smirk as I slightly chuckled before gracefully landing beside her.

"That's what you get for not using honorifics, Sarah." Stated Elif with a faint smirk as he eyed Sarah, who was staring at him in annoyance.

"My apologies, your Highness." Said Sarah in annoyance as she glanced at Elif before using her Qi to clean herself, causing him and Ember to chuckle.

Storing Ember in my dimension ring, I grabbed Sarah's chin and gave her a small kiss; of course, I had used my divine sense to protect us from every other divine sense before I backed away and summoned Ember into my embrace.

"Annoyed still?" Asked Elif with a faint smirk as he rubbed Ember, while Sarah pouted before folding her arms and looking away.

"I'll take that as a no." Muttered Elif lightly as he turned around and walked randomly, prompting Sarah to follow him.