After one week had passed since Charuli's Sect-wide announcement, every disciple promptly headed to the specified location on the Island, which was at its largest beach; it was rather beautiful, but it wasn't a place you wished to be when thousands of others were also present.
'Hmm, I could bring Elaine here, and we could have a private little date, just her, me, the sand and the ocean soaking our feet.' Mused Elif lightly with a thoughtful expression as he sat at the very back of the beach atop a palm tree with Elaine on his lap like usual.
While I was thinking about places where Elaine and I could privately express our love together without someone interfering, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Tiamat and her little group of followers finally arrive, causing me to stare at her while she did the same.
"Tch, if you have something to say, just say it, you Elf." Remarked Tiamat in slight anger as she eyed Elif, who raised an eyebrow before shaking his head while peacefully rubbing Elaine's stomach.
"I doubt a worthless lizard like yourself would be capable of understanding my words anyway, so it's best not to say anything." Said Elif passive-aggressively as he stared at Tiamat, who furiously gnashed her teeth while all her followers dangerously glared at him.
"Did some knife-eared, tree-loving human just call me… A mighty dragon, a mere lizard!?" Exclaimed Tiamat angrily, her draconic tail violently swaying through the air while she glared at Elif, who narrowed his eyes, same with Elaine, Sarah, and his servants.
"Eh, that's not really nice." Muttered Sarah with a slight frown as she rubbed her ears while eyeing Tiamat, who didn't even register her presence.
"Ho, knife-eared? Well, so be it; allow me to use my knife ears to slice your head off; your voice is beginning to irritate me. I'll be right back, dear." Said Elif with a faint smile as he angrily looked at Tiamat before kissing Elaine and setting her down while leaping off the tree, only to gracefully land on the ground.
"Hehe, the tree-loving human wants to kill me? Hilarious! I'll mount your head as a trophy on my wall!" Declared Tiamat angrily as she approached Elif, her every breath releasing dangerously hot flames.
"Hmph, savage and dirty, just like a lizard; I should expect no less from a low-breed being like yourself." Remarked Elif with a scoff as he approached Tiamat before the two stood opposite each other.
"Come, what are you waiting for, Lizard? I'll be gracious and allow you to attack first. It's the least I could do before I toss your corpse into a random forest to act as fertilizer." Said Elif pridefully with a raised eyebrow as he leaned down towards Tiamat's eye level, her rising anger causing the tips of her horns to be set ablaze.
It seemed my taunting worked as I sensed her mobilize her Qi, yet she could not even manifest it into a proper attack; an elder suddenly appeared and floated in the air at the front of the beach, causing Tiamat to stop while she lowered her hand.
"Hmph, looks like you've been saved, you knife-eared bastard; though don't worry, I'll kill you one of these days, just wait." Said Tiamat angrily as she eyed Elif before spitting on the ground and walking away, causing his face to twitch in anger.
Watching Tiamat walk away from me, I manifested a small purple palm and used it to pick up the ground where she had spit, only to toss it at her; of course, such an attack wasn't successful by any means as one of her lizard-men broke it, but that was fine, it was the principle that mattered to me. I wasn't about to allow some insignificant lizard-like Tiamat to spit before me; the disrespect wasn't something I'd ever take.
'Tsk, mood killer.' Thought Elif lightly as he turned around and floated towards the top of the palm tree, where Elaine sat on his lap while giving him kisses.
"Heh, never mind." Muttered Elif with a faint smile as he wrapped his arms around Elaine's waist, enjoying her loving touches that washed away his previous mood.
It seems during my little altercation with Tiamat, the remaining disciples finally arrived, with Comet being one of the last ones like usual, and given the lipstick mark on his neck, it was pretty obvious why he was late; he was most likely spending time within Realm's brothel, which Elaine will not allow me to get close, not like I would ever go to such a place when I have Sarah and Illumia, but it's the fact, she won't even let me walk down the same street.
Anyway, shaking my head and getting rid of such useless thoughts, I focused on Kizen, one of the many Realm Sect Elders, up above in the distance as he cleared his throat before addressing all three hundred and forty-six thousand of us.
"As per Sect Master Charuli's orders, today, all disciples of Realm Sect will be required to participate in today's trial, which will be the first of many; however, since this is officially the first trial, I'm required to inform you all how this works." Stated Kizen as he gazed at the beach, his eyes scanning through the tens of thousands of disciples.
"Trials themselves are simple; they're a little test Sect Master will randomly create to ensure his disciples aren't getting lazy and that competition remains fierce. Rules will vary between trials, but if you wish to be eligible for rewards, you must complete the trial; now, speaking of rewards, only the first hundred disciples to complete the said trial will receive rewards. The higher your standing, the greater the rewards, with first place even being allowed to pick a single God-tier item from the Sects Vault." Declared Kizen calmly as his voice evenly projected throughout the entire beach, causing almost everyone's eyes to brighten.
"Only a God-tier?" Muttered Elaine with a frown as she gazed at Kizen in disappointment.
"Well, I know that's a rather lackluster reward for us, Elaine, but for most of the disciples, God-tier is an incredible reward. Besides, what do any of us ever do with an Immortal-tier item anyway? We wouldn't even be able to consume a pill as it would be too much for any of our bodies to handle, let alone even properly use it to the fullest extent." Remarked Elif lightly as he snaked his hand into Elaine's clothes and rubbed her stomach, causing her to furrow her brows before nodding.
"Yes, I suppose you're correct, Brother." Said Elaine softly with a sigh as she kissed Elif's cheek before gazing back at Kizen, causing a certain body part to stiffen.
"Of course, if trials were done normally, it wouldn't be fair given the discrepancy of cultivation bases between certain cultivators…" Said Kizen lightly as he shifted his focus to Elif, Elaine, Tiamat, Cordelia, Ivan, Aurora, and every other descendant belonging to either an Immortal, Divine, or Ancient Hegemony.
"…At least, that is what Sect Master Charuli says. So, he always adds a slight twist that'll even the playing field, making it more interesting, if you will." Added Kizen softly, his words causing the hundreds of thousands of Independent cultivators to wildly grin in joy while everyone else didn't seem too bothered.
"Even the playing field? That could interesting, don't you think, Elaine?" Asked Elif curiously as he glanced at Elaine, who raised an eyebrow before nodding.
"Yes, though currently, I'm finding whatever is poking my butt to be far more interesting; care to tell me what it is, Brother?" Replied Elaine with a faint, lustful smirk as she glanced at Elif while slightly rubbing her but atop his lap, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Not now, you little vixen; we've got to uphold how reputation and image, though don't worry, we'll make sweet, sweet love when we return home." Said Elif with a smirk as he passionately kissed Elaine while tightly wrapping his arms around her waist, preventing her from grinding her plump butt atop his crotch, causing her to chuckle.
With Kizen seemingly done explaining, he waved his hands, causing numerous yet identical items to be summoned from his dimension ring before each one floated to a disciple; outstretching our hands, Elaine and I grabbed the item, which looked to be some sort of special wrist band.
"What you're holding is known as a suppressive device, meant to suppress one cultivation; this is the little twist Sect Master Charuli has added." Remarked Kizen as he gazed at everyone before cutting his hand through the air, causing a large dimensional rift to appear just above the ocean.
"For one week, you all will be trapped within this dimension that is filled with beasts of varying cultivation bases, with the highest being a middle Celestial. Your goal is simple: kill as many beasts and collect the crystals within their body as proof; however, this is where the suppressive device comes into play." Said Kizen, his words causing everyone's gaze to harden at such as not a single person would be capable of fighting against such a powerful beast, yet even so, no one showed signs of fear.
"Starting from a middle Divine Lord, which is the average cultivation base among Realm Sect disciples, every realm you suppress our cultivation base, the points you get for acquiring crystals will be doubled. There is no limit, so go as low as you wish; just be careful." Stated Kizen with a faint smirk, his words causing everyone's eyes to widen slightly.
"Ho, now this is quite interesting." Muttered Elif with a faint smirk as he glanced at the suppressive device in his hands.