Chapter 362: Brutal Elif

As Gyakusatsu pierced Mother's heart, she stopped moving and grabbed her chest, only for her projection to slowly disperse into the very way; it was a little uncomfortable to harm Mother, even if she were a mere projection, but thankfully, there was no emotion or intelligence; otherwise, it might've been worse.

However, I will say, thanks to my fight against Mother, my anger has significantly waned; well, actually, my fury is still ever present; it's just no longer clouding my mind and affecting my judgment. I'm essentially saving that powerful emotion for another time, and until then, it will remain sealed away within the deepest corners of my heart.

Receiving an influx of Qi along with a comfortable sensation washing through me as my exhaustion and injuries, which were both nonexistent, dispersed, I backed away from the middle of the room and waited for the Angel to appear, and that didn't take long.

Once the Angel opened her eyes, I was already standing in front of her, slashing Hokori right toward her pale white neck, though, to my surprise, she was able to react in time; with a surge of Qi, she directed them into her wings, which instead of looking all fluffy and soft, became rigid while her feathers turned sharp. In a mighty explosion, her feathers shot out at me just as I slashed through her neck, decapitating her.

Watching her wingless body ƒall to the ground, I glanced down at the feathers stuck in my body, and I couldn't help but click my tongue as I reminded myself of a demonic porcupine. The feathers weren't able to penetrate deeply into my body, and they got stopped just as they reached my muscles, so her suicidal attack was rather pointless, though if she and I were the same strength, I've got no doubt her numerous feathers would've skewered my through.

"Well, at least I know to be wary of Lucifer now; he would leave me sorely injured." Muttered Elif with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at the feathers, which vanished alongside the projection, only for his flesh wounds to swiftly heal.

With my wounds healed, I walked forward and stabbed Hokori into the ground while I turned around and folded my arms, gazing at the materializing humanoid dragon; grasping my lustrous silver hair, I summoned two golden pins from my dimension ring before stabbing them into hair, keeping my loose bun from falling apart.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." Muttered Elif with a faint smirk as he pushed his purple streak of hair out his way while approaching the humanoid dragon with nothing but his fists.

Befitting of the unintelligent lizards they were, he came charging towards me with nothing; like all lizards, he must've believed his horns, claws, teeth, and tail were the only weapons you'd need; however, I shall show that'll you need more than that to defeat me.

'This is for Elaine.' Thought Elif with a cold expression as he pushed the dragon's fist out of the way before violently kicking him in the head.



Getting kicked out of the spire, I violently coughed while standing up and dusting myself off, though despite making it to the twenty-fourth floor, I wasn't happy in the slightest.

"Tsk, cowardly turtle; I would've gutted you if I could get past that shell of yours." Muttered Aurora in anger as he summoned a pill from his dimension and consumed it while gently flapping his wings, propelling him through the sky toward his private booth in the distance.

Once I arrived at my booth, I sat down at my throne; my servants were observant enough to notice my anger, so they remained silent, which was good on their part as I would've killed whoever spoke out of turn. Glancing at the bottom of the spire, I noticed Tiamat, Cordelia, and Lucifer had appeared one by one, and given their furious and frustrated expression, I assumed they must've also been defeated by that cowardly turtle as well.

Shifting my attention, I glanced at the booth, and other than Elaine and Elif's noble friend, there wasn't anyone else, prompting me to send my divine sense into the spire, only to quickly find him, yet just as I did so, I couldn't help but erupt into laughter as I felt my mood improve.

"Hahahaha!" Said Aurora as he roared with laughter while watching Elif's 'fight' against his opponent.

After a few moments of laughing, I calmed down enough to look at Tiamat's booth in the distance as I desired to see her reaction.

"Oi, Tiamat, watch Elif in the spire; I think you'll enjoy it." Said Aurora in amusement, his voice echoing through the coliseum as Tiamat snorted in response, though she still did so.

A few seconds of silence passed, only for a mighty roar full of anger to erupt from Tiamat's booth.

"ELIF!" Yelled Tiamat furiously as she glared at the spire with her vertical slit eyes while her fellow servants nodded in agreement with wrathful growls.

"I'm curious, Tiamat; why do you Dragons and Elves hate each other so much? Is it simply because Progenitor Lourdes killed the Dragon King during the end of the Primordial Epoch?" Asked Cordelia in genuine curiosity as she sat in her booth while shifting her focus to Tiamat, who promptly ignored her.

"Oh, now that you mention it, Cordelia, it does seem a little suspicious as to why the Elves would despise Dragons so much, considering they won that war. There must be something we don't know about that occurred between the Dragons and Elves; that seems more plausible as Elves are peaceful by nature." Replied Aurora lightly as he rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression while glancing at Cordelia, who nodded in response.

"Hmm, yes, you're correct, though I presume such information is being withheld by either the Dragon Clan or Elven Empire. Possibly even both, so our chances of ever learning about them will be rather slim." Remarked Cordelia with a nod as she looked at Aurora before the two shifted their focus to Elaine, who glanced at them with a raised eyebrow before ignoring them.

"I really need to learn more about history." Muttered Lucifer softly as he thought to himself while an old yet wise voice spoke directly to his mind.



Raising my arm, I summoned Hokori, causing my sword's hilt to gracefully rest within my hand as I grasped it before stabbing it down into the dragon, I mean, lizard's tail. Walking to the head, I passed his large body, which was missing every scale on its body while also heavily injured, putting it on the brink of death, though I wasn't quite finished with him.

"I would've preferred if you were a real dragon, but alas, I suppose a projection is better than nothing." Muttered Elif lightly as he glanced at the dragon's vertical slit eyes before grasping his only remaining horn.

With my sword pinning the lizard down, preventing him from moving, I flexed my muscles and began to pull with all of my might; at first, nothing happened, but as I continued to pull, popping noses were heard, followed by something tearing; however, right after that, with one final yank, I promptly ripped the lizards head off his body, along with his spinal cord.

Exhaling in relief, I dropped the head onto the ground and made sure to spit on it before it vanished while that comfortable sensation was felt throughout my body.

"Ahh, I feel so much better after that." Said Elif with a smile as he felt practically rejuvenated after that stress relieving exercise.

With the lizard having been dealt with, I grabbed Hokori out of the ground and awaited my next opponent, which surprisingly happened to be a demon; yet, although he survived for a little longer, he was easily dealt with, and the same for the next opponent.

"The Wisp that dared to harm my dear little sister, that's very bold of you; however, now that I think about it, for you to be here, that must've meant you attended the Realm Sect, so maybe there does exist more of you." Remarked Elif lightly as he gazed at the floating blue wisp the size of his head before him, only to slightly shake his head.

Saving such thoughts for later, I promptly lunged toward the Wisp while bombarding it with heavenly scars one after the other, destroying its initial attack and forcing it onto the defensive, though, even on the defensive, it was apparent it wouldn't last long. However, it used the same technique it used against Elaine and spread its body through the entire room along with its presence; while Elaine hid herself somewhere none would look, the Wisp did so in plain sight.

Unfortunately for the Wisp, I had seen this technique before; even though I wasn't fully paying attention, it wasn't difficult to break by any means.

"All you must do is attack everything." Muttered Elif with a faint smirk as he raised his arm causing a purple palm that engulfed the entire room to appear in the air.

Slamming down the palm onto the ground, I also received a portion of my own attack, but, thanks to my strong physique, it didn't cause me much harm, though it did succeed in dispelling the Wisps technique, forcing its body to return to normal, and just as it did, I sliced it in half with a heavenly scar.

With the Wisp disappearing, I let the spire heal my wounds and restore my Qi reserves before the next opponent appeared, the one Elaine suffered defeat at the hands of.