"I don't know why you were so concerned, your Highness. This forest does, indeed, look quite beautiful." Said Sarah softly as she gazed out the carriage window, eyeing the beautiful forest down below, only for Elif to sigh.
"Haa, Sarah, that's not the Forest of Madness; that is merely a normal forest. Please just keep quiet; I don't need the words of a foolish Noble embarrassing Elaine or I." Remarked Elif as he lowered his head, rubbing his face in exhaustion while Marley scooted further from Sarah, too embarrassed to be seen beside her.
"O-Oh. Hehe, o-oops." Said Sarah lightly as she gently knocked on her head while cutely tilting her head to the side, to which Elif sighed once more before shaking his head.
"She's merely my half-sister, your Highness." Stated Marley lightly as she slightly bowed toward Elif, her words causing Sarah to glare at her with a huff while Idonea scoffed.
"It seems you both inherited your Father's idiotic traits then… Good to know." Remarked Idonea softly with a faint smirk, her words causing Marley and Sarah to click their tongues in annoyance.
"Well, at least our Father was in our lives." Said Marley with a smirk as she eyed Idonea, who raised an eyebrow at her.
"Are you really going to bring do that when both of our Father's were assholes?" "F-Forget, I said anything." Asked Idonea and Marley, respectively, as the latter nodded before awkwardly coughing and looking away, causing the former to silently shake her head.
While flying over the forest Sarah mistook for the Forest of Madness, I snuggled with Elaine, who seemed more interested in silently watching everyone, which was fine with me, as it gave me more time to soak her all up.
"Sister, don't start now, not when we're close to our destination." Said Elif softly as he eyed Elaine, whose hand glided across his thigh, stirring his manhood awake and causing her to smirk.
"Hmm, I don't know what you're talking about?" Asked Elaine with a faint smirk as she glanced at Elif while her hand groped his inner thigh, causing his manhood to twitch as it grew in response to her teasing.
Inwardly clicking my tongue, I grabbed Elaine's hand, yet instead of pushing her away, I stood up and led her into our room, only to toss her onto the bed while I closed the door behind me.
"As the Elder Brother, I can't continue allowing you to disrespect me like this, Elaine. I think you need a refresher on who is in charge. " Said Elif with a wicked grin as he approached her, grabbing her shoulders and placing her on her back by the edge of her bed, her head hanging off.
"Hehe, teach me, dear Brother, drill it deep into my skull, who is in charge." Said Elaine seductively as she stared at Elif and opened her mouth, causing him to grin.
Dropping my pants to the ground, revealing my erect manhood, which was even bigger than Elaine's head, I ground it against her tongue while she aggressively huffed on my shaft, eager to take it into her mouth.
Preparing her for the pleasure that was to come, I grasped her throat with both hands, which seemed to slightly surprise her, yet I didn't give her enough time as I ruthlessly shoved my cock into her mouth and down her throat, causing her eyes to widen as I sheathed every inch of myself inside of her.
"Fufu, this is punishment for all the teasing you've given me, Sister." Said Elif with a wicked grin as he reeled his hips back before slamming them into her face, causing saliva to drip down her face.
"Your Highnesses, we've arrived at our destination." Said Illumia softly as she knocked on the door, her words causing Elif to spew every ounce of seed stored within him into Elaine's stomach.
Grunting in pleasure, I slowly removed my cock from Elaine's mouth and took a few steps back, eyeing the mess that was my dear sister; in all my years, I don't think I've ever seen Elaine look so unladylike. With semen bubbles escaping her mouth and the droll that made a small puddle on the ground, she looked like a total whore, yet, such a sight greatly aroused me.
'It's not going down at all.' Thought Elif lightly as he glanced at his manhood, only for him to sigh as he forcefully suppressed his rampant lust before wearing his pants.
As much as I'd like to, we'd arrived at our destination, though before leaving, I made sure to view Elaine from every angle possible; I engraved this image deep within my soul.
"Alright, Elaine, try not to take too long." Said Elif lightly as he leaned down and kissed Elaine's cheek, causing her to faintly nod while he exited the room.
Leaving the room, I spotted no one, but Illumia was in the carriage, prompting her to open the door as I exited.
"Eh, your Highness, where is Her Highness? Did you go too hard on her?" Asked Sarah as she turned and glanced at Elif, giving him a reproachful look, causing him to flick her head.
"My private affairs with Elaine will stay between her and I." Said Elif as he glanced at Sarah, who held her head while grumbling in annoyance, only for him to flick her head again.
Ignoring Sarah's antics, I summoned the throne from my dimension ring and sat down, though since the area we were at was on the outskirts of a swamp, I also summoned a foot stand to prop my feet onto, which prompted Marley to kneel before them as she massaged them.
Sighing in satisfaction from Marley's wonderful hands, I ignored some of her questionable actions and patiently waited for Elaine to exit the carriage. However, while waiting for her, hundreds of other disciples slowly made their way here, though unsurprisingly, like always, we arrived kind of late, so it was only a minute or two of waiting before the Elder in charge appeared in the air above us, and I was quite surprised who it was.
"Eh, a Void species? That is surprising." Muttered Elif with a raised eyebrow as he gazed at the Elder floating in the air, the faint traces of void Qi unable to escape his senses.
"What's a Void species?" Asked Ember lightly as she stood to the right of Elif, who blew her a kiss, causing her to faintly blush.
"They're creatures born in the Void between realms, where almost no other species can survive. They're not too rare to come across if you're traveling through the void, but most tend to enjoy the freedom of the void, so they seldom enter a realm, much less accept getting tied down by the duty of being an Elder for a Sect." Replied Elif as he pointed at the sky while gesturing to the Elder above, causing Ember to nod.
"Why do you know so much about Void species?" Asked Sarah, only for Elif to give her a look of stupidity.
"For the record, it's not specifically Void species I know much about, but the Void as a whole. However, I will not explain that one, so it is up to you to figure it out." Remarked Elif calmly as he closed his eyes while enjoying Marley's foot-rub, which happened to be using a bit too much tongue.
With a slight cough, the Elder above released a powerful yet harmless burst of Qi, instantly grabbing everyone's attention as the ground faintly shook.
"Alright, listen up, your weak brats–" Said the Elder rudely as he began speaking, though he was promptly interrupted as six pure and potent intents emerged from the crowd, with one standing out from the rest.
"Tch, who the fuck are you talking to!?" Exclaimed Tiamat furiously as she glared at the Elder, interrupting him.
"That is quite rude; some of us deserve respect." Stated Cordelia, lightly grabbing her hilt and narrowing her eyes at the Elder.
"Behaving like such is quite unbecoming of your status when hundreds of disciples look up to you for guidance." Said Lucifer softly with a slight frown as he eyed the Elder.
"Hmph, I dare you! Call my woman brats again!" Yelled Comet angrily as he aggressively waved his sword around and stared daggers at the Elder.
"Speak to me with such disrespect again, and I'll make you wish you were never born." Said Aurora coldly as he narrowed his eyes and spread his wings, fearlessly threatening the Elder before him.
"Silence, you pathetic, unintelligent mongrel." Declared Elif calmly with an expression of pride as he eyed the Elder.
Despite our bold words, what happened next was not something any of us expected, as the Elder simply busted into laughter, confusing us all, though I still remained indifferent.
"Hahahaha, good, good! Such ferocity with no hesitation; this is what I love to see amongst the younger generation!" Stated the Elder with a grin as he stared at the crowd, eyeing the six powerful intents that attempted to pressure him, to no avail.
Thanks to his high cultivation base, he was able to force back all of our Immortal Wills. However, unlike the others who eventually receded theirs, I could not do so now when my pride was on the line.
"Heh, Prince Elif, I've heard rumors of your Immense pride, but to think it would be to such an extent." Said the Elder with a faint grin as he narrowed his eyes at Elif, who hardly reacted.
"And why aren't you prostrating yourself before me? Am I not a Prince?" Stated Elif coldly as he eyed the Elder, who simply chuckled, finding his actions amusing.