Chapter 385: Group Of Diabolicals

Exiting the crystal tree after spending the night making non-stop love with Sister, I held the door open for her while she walked with elegance and grace befitting of a Princess, though that naughty smirk and lust-filled eyes that flashed at me said otherwise.

'I'm already eager to make love with her again.' Thought Elif with a hungry expression as he licked his lips while eyeing Elaine, his eyes refusing to look away from her swaying hips.

"Oops, dropped something." Said Elaine with a faint smirk as he bent over, grabbing a small leaf from off the ground while glancing at Elif, who winced before reluctantly averting his eyes.

"Haa, please, for the love of Progenitor Lourdes, don't tease me like that, Sister. I was this close to ravaging you once more; we can't spend all our time making love when this is supposed to be a trial." Remarked Elif softly with a deep sigh as he outstretched his hand towards the crystal tree, causing it to release a soft glow while it rapidly reverted to a small crystal.

Grabbing the crystal out of the air, I stored it in my dimension ring and attempted to turn around, though Sister prevented me as she embraced me from behind while aggressively grabbing my crotch, causing me to shiver subconsciously.

"What if I want you to ~ravage me, Brother?~" Asked Elaine softly with a seductive purr as she released a hot breath into Elif's ear, causing them to twitch.

I tried my hardest to refuse Sister, yet she was far too persuasive; how could I ever refuse her when she was practically begging me to make love? Not to mention, her aggressiveness was so incredibly alluring words weren't enough to describe it, yet before I could push her down and ravage her just as she wanted me to, potent yellowish Qi suddenly erupted from all around us, creating an ethereal net that tried to trap us.

"Hmph, who dares!?" Exclaimed Elif in slight anger as he thrust his palm upwards, manifesting a massive purple palm that smashed right through the ethereal net.

I wanted to command my palm to attack our attackers, but unfortunately, it was rapidly corrupted, taking on a sickly yellowish tint as I slowly lost control. Before I completely lost control, I waved my hand again, causing it to dissipate into the air.

"Ugh, don't tell me it's those bastards again? How did they find me?" Muttered Elaine softly with an ugly expression as she summoned Orcus from her dimension ring and stood beside Elif while her figure was quickly obscured in a shadowy veil.

After a few moments, all the trees that surrounded us came to life as grotesque faces formed on their bark, yet instead of attacking, they uprooted themselves from the ground before clearing the area, revealing nearly two dozen Diabolicals that surrounded us in a circle. However, what was worse was that every single Diabolical was, at the very least, an adult, given the small number of eyes on their monstrous appearances; I may have been mistaken, but there were also a few seniors.

"Tsk, an Ancestor." Said Elaine lightly in slight anger as she eyed the floating Diablocal with eight eyes, far less than any other Diabolical.

Following Elaine's line of sight, I glanced at the same Diabolical, yet, even though its eyes were closed, I could vividly sense the intense Qi of madness faintly emanating from it. However, although this situation was less than ideal, I wasn't concerned; after all, if Elaine could stare into the eyes of Ancestor for roughly a minute, then I doubted this force could stop either of us, though I didn't take it lightly either… I took nothing lightly when it involved my dearest Elaine.

"Speak, you foul creatures. Or I'll slaughter you all for daring to attack Elaine." Stated Elif sternly as he raised Hokori at the ancestor, his words upsetting the other Diabolicals.

It seemed the Diabolicals didn't appreciate my words as they all opened their eyes and stared at us, causing their Qi, which they must've been suppressing, to violently lash out in an attempt to ensnare our minds within illusions of madness.

Though, as if these measly illusions would be enough to stop us, I stabbed Hokori into the ground and surged my Immortal Will, my pride blocking any of their attempts to confuse my mind and tamper with my dao heart. As for Elaine, she needed no such things as they simply weren't strong enough to affect her, given the curse.

"Hmph, fine by me. I do not negotiate with those who would dare harm my sister." Stated Elif with a scoff as he raised his hand into the air before manifesting another purple palm, this one stronger than previously.

Launching my palm towards the ancestor, who clearly seemed to be leading this group, I intended to smush that Diabolical into nothingness, yet it promptly opened its eight eyes before releasing a concentrated beam of yellowish Qi from each one. Combining into one powerful beam, the ancestor's attack collided against my own, and to my surprise, it actually managed to stop my palm, not by overpowering it but by corrupting my own Qi and turning it into its own.

With a slight movement of its eyes, it controlled my attack and made the yellowish palm head right for me, though I wasn't required to make a move as Elaine slashed at the incoming palm in my stead, slicing right through it with Orcus. Of course, since I had used a good chunk of my strength in that attack, I had secretly stopped Elaine from being pushed backward, which made her look stronger than she actually was to this group of Diabolicals.

"We had an agreement!" Said the Ancestor in a guttural voice as his grotesque body slightly trembled, its words causing Elaine to scoff while she folded her arms.

"Hmph, agreement? I did not agree to anything; my personal attendant, Maxim, on the other hand, did. As you can see, Maxim isn't anywhere to be seen, so I didn't break this so-called 'agreement'. Now leave… I will not say so again." Stated Elaine with a raised eyebrow as she spread her arms with a malicious smirk, which was hidden underneath the veil before her tone deepened while her presence intensified.

"No! You will leave, or you will become one of us! If those aren't to your liking, then you can let us kill you instead." Remarked the Ancestor as his Qi intensified while he narrowed his eyes at Elaine, who faintly chuckled before glancing at Elif.

"~Brother!~ Did you hear that thing? It said it would kill me! Your precious, dear little sister." Said Elaine fearfully as she cowered behind Elif, though her playful tone said otherwise.

"Don't worry, dear, I won't let them harm you." Said Elif softly as he turned around and affectionately rubbed Elaine's head, only for his Qi to violently explode out of his body, pushing the Diabolicals back from the sheer volume.

Turning back around, I grasped Hokori from out of the ground and retracted my Qi. I could see they were starting to corrupt my Qi, which caused me to nod as I coated my blade with sword will.

'So they can all corrupt Qi… Looks like this will be a physical battle.' Mused Diddy with a hardened gaze as he swiftly dashed toward the nearest Diabolical.

According to Elaine, Diabolics were terrifying because their corruptive nature ignored one's cultivation base, making them just as deadly to anyone. However, to skilled and experienced cultivators, they were merely fodder waiting to be killed. They relied solely on their corruptive Qi, and when that didn't work, they would try again since that was all they had.

Dashing across the ground, I dodged various beams coming at me from all directions before slashing Hokori right through the Diabolical, my long blade coming in handy as I perfectly bisected the grotesque creature in half. Unfortunately for me, they still exploded, and that wasn't something I could really avoid without using Qi; thankfully, I still used some to coat my body in a protective film, so none of their disgusting bodily juices truly touched me.

'Tsk, first they dared to interrupt Elaine and I, and now they cover me in their disgusting filth!?' Thought Elif in anger as he tightly clenched his blade while nimbly dashing through the battlefield, bisecting Diabolicals with ease.

Having killed my eight Diabolical, I was about to lunge towards another, but the ancestor must've had enough since the full might of its corruptive Qi was released from its eyes, enveloping Elaine and I in a flash of bright yellow Qi.

Thanks to my Immortal Will, I was mostly safe from the Ancestor's attempt, but it was rather straining on my dao heart and pride.

'Elaine wasn't joking; these Ancestors are dangerous.' Mused Elif with an ugly expression as he glanced at Elaine, who was covering her eyes.

Considering I probably would've lasted much longer than Elaine, I changed my target to the ancestor as I lunged towards him, and while other Diabolicals tried to halt my advances, they only slightly slowed me down. Once I reached the ancestor, it tried to move out of the way, though, as if I'd allow it to do so.

Using my movement technique, Elven Body Flicker, I morphed into two figures and cut off his retreat paths before slashing him in half, though only one of my swords cut through its body as the other was merely an afterimage.

"What a vile creatur–" Said Elif in disgust as he spat onto the ground, only for a mighty explosion to envelop him.