The School

 We began to walk down to our school, Well Eliza's and my school. I am in 11th grade, and she is in the 10th. Well, we were anyway. I don't think we will go back to school after this. The school isn't that far, we walked for about 15 minutes before arriving. We didn't encounter any monsters, which was surprising, but we could still hear their cries in the distance, seemingly coming closer.

 The place was basically torn down. But it still had walls, unlike the buildings surrounding it. We went inside, and the place definitely looked better on the inside than the outside. Though the hallways were long lined with lockers, that we never got to use because they were reserved for seniors, and posters about the upcoming prom on March 23, which was today. I didn't plan on going cause, I wouldn't have anyone to go out with. Who would like me with my black hair and my rough skin. My average height and very bad fashion sense.

I look into a trophy case to see myself. My hair had a bit of green in it. I guess that's from the photosynthesis skill. We walked around the empty hallways to find a place to stay. At least for a little while.

Then, as we passed the cafeteria, I had a wonderful idea. The lunch room could be our training area. Outside is dangerous, and we need to stay covered in case something comes flying above. And the lunch room was the biggest room here. All we had to do was move the tables and the chairs to the side and boom. The perfect training hall.

Right next to the lunch room is the band room, which is my favorite room. People of different places and cultures come together for one common purpose: music.

This could be where we set up home camp. The store was about 5 minutes away by foot, so we could get there pretty fast.

We need to survive and to survive we must learn. So I went to my mother and sister.

"Do you have any skills that we haven't seen?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" My sister replied.

"Well I got this new skill called Observant and I wanted to test it out."

"And why would I let yo-"

"Of course Leo we are all in this together" My mom said, interrupting Eliza

"I have this one skill," Mom says "It looks like you and Phillip have all the other ones."

I guess that makes sense we are of magic classes.

My mom then surrounded her self with a glowing aura

[Observant has been activated]

[You have observed Heal]

[You have learned Heal Lvl.1]

Well I have this she proceed to start running in circles put as each second passed she seemed to get faster and faster

[Observant has been activated]

[You have observed Speed Up]

[You have learned Speed Up Lvl.1]

[Heal Lvl.1]

Heath: +10

Mana: -5

Heal yourself by increasing the speed of healing of your body

[Speed Up Lvl.1]

Agility: +10% per sec

Cap:+50% per sec

If you run as fast as you can you slowly get faster as time goes on. Speed resets if you stop running.

These are pretty good skills. Especially if I'm running away from something.

"Why didn't you ask me" My brother asked.

"You and me basically have the same skillset." I say "so there is no reason to ask you"

"You don't know how many skills I have"

"Well, what do you have that I do not"

There were a few seconds of silence.

"That doesn't matter" He then storms off to a different room.

I decided to start training.

I started with some light exercise then I do a full sprint around the cafeteria then I meditate to bring my stamina to full. I start shooting Magic bullets through the glass window of a door( This stops myself from making any excess noise). Then I meditate again. I start holding my Mana shield for as long as I can then I meditate. I repeat this for about seven days. Speed Up leveled up twice, Meditate leveled up four times, Magic Bullets leveled up thrice, and Mana Shield leveled up thrice.

[Speed Up Lvl.3]

Agility: +20% per sec

Cap: +70% per sec

If you run as fast as you can you slowly get faster as time goes on. Speed resets if you stop running.

[Meditate Lvl.6]

Mana Regen: 10 Per Sec

Stamina Regen: 10 Per Sec

Increase:+10% Per Min

As you relax you feel yourself become rejuvenated. You become more relaxed the more you meditate. You might fall asleep or lose track of time.

[Magic Bullet Lvl.4]



Wind: +3 - +8 Adds a push back effect.

The more you charge it, the more powerful the spell. This spell can travel through clear substances. The tip causes it to travel faster. You can add an element to the Magic Bullet causes more damage or effects.

[Mana Shield Lvl.4]

Mana:5 Per Sec

Shield Health:30

Surround your body with mana protecting you from in coming attacks. You can select a specific body part to shield cause it to be more condensed.

This is how I'll survive. By training myself to my limits.


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 400/7500

Heath:44/44 Mana:130/130 Stamina:40/40


Strength:20 Intelligence:65 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :10



Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Heal(Lvl.1), Magic Bullet(Lvl.4), Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.4),Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Meditate(Lvl.6), Observant(Lvl.1),Tame(Lvl.2),Target Heal(Lvl.1), Wind Manipulation(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1), Speed Up(Lvl.3)

