Chapter 108 Entering the City

Chapter 108 Entering the City

Amidst the protection of the Black Rose Family knights, an enchanting young lady dressed in a delicate black gown took her place on the back of a warhorse, entering the City of Wind as the crowd gazed at her in awe.

With the black-haired young lady's arrival, the onlookers who had been buzzing with chatter moments ago fell silent in unison, leaving the scene utterly still.

Everyone present, much like Benjamin, focused their attention on the striking black-haired girl.

She had a slender figure and possessed enviable, satin-like black hair, with crimson tips that resembled fresh blood. Though her face was veiled, her unveiled eyes were mesmerizing and captivating, causing those who looked into her sapphire irises to momentarily forget how to breathe.

The soldiers, who spent their days cooped up in their barracks training, seemed as if their eyes might pop out of their sockets.