Chapter 113: I'm not a cutie

Chapter 113: I'm not a cutie

The perspective shifts back to the guesthouse in the City of Wind Linfeng.

As night deepens, the evening banquet temporarily concludes. With the end of the feast, local nobles and wealthy merchants leave the guesthouse one after another, while members of the Black Rose family return to their respective rooms to rest. The entire guesthouse subsequently becomes silent.

Taking advantage of the quiet night, our Yumo stealthily leaves her room. Turning into countless blood butterflies, she quickly arrives at another corner of the guesthouse, where Meng Xi is currently situated.

Thanks to the efforts of the Black Rose family, Meng Xi has already been treated as an injured person and placed here, waiting for the members of the Church of Asumos to 'claim' her.

As for security, it is jointly handled by the Black Rose family and the guards of the City of Wind Linfeng.
