Chapter 129: Crown Prince? 7/7

Chapter 129: Crown Prince?

Basfh, thank you for the gift. 

and thanks for the support and power stones 

I tried opening the novel on a different account, but the free pass wasn't working. It could be because the account is new, but if it's not working for anyone else, please let me know. In the meantime, enjoy the chapter!



Marquis Residence - Inside the bathroom,


At this moment,


After a futile attempt at resistance, the disguised little girl, Yumo, was unsurprisingly stripped of her clothes by four maids and placed in the bathtub. Although Yumo kept insisting that she was clean and didn't need a bath, she couldn't withstand the enthusiasm of the four maids.


Well, after all, it was the task assigned to them by the lady of the house...