Chapter 164: Strange Thoughts 4/4




Accompanied by a painful scream,


Wilt, who was just fiercely determined moments ago, was directly struck by the golden energy and sent flying! He spat out blood as he crashed violently into the back mountain of the Marquis's family!


This scene,


Left Jei and Xiumu dumbfounded.




Yumo, who was still in a dazed state from afar,


Staring at the silver-haired girl enveloped in golden light, Yumo's beautiful crimson eyes couldn't help but shake, and her delicate body trembled continuously. Yumo's hands were tightly clenched, not only shocked by the powerful force Mengxi displayed, but also trying to suppress the sudden impulse within her body,


That golden light?


'Is that divine power? It's so dense?'


Yumo couldn't help but bite her lip,