Chapter 190: Visiting Mengxi

Yumo was very busy in the morning.


After meeting the Marchioness Aurora and Marquis Xiumu,


Upon hearing that the heroine had started to have breakfast, Yumo hurriedly scurried over to one of the temporary rooms. Recently, Mengxi's injuries had been even more severe than when she was in the Galrose Fortress, but after receiving Yumo's magic replenishment, she didn't fall into a long coma like before but woke up quickly.


Under normal circumstances,


The awakened Mengxi would definitely want Yumo as her pillow,


But the doctor said that Mengxi needed intensive care now and forbade her from using Yumo as a pillow. Although Mengxi was unhappy, she eventually couldn't defy the doctor, so she compromised and looked at Yumo with slightly resentful eyes.