Chapter 193: The Current Situation of the Yuan’er  

In the central region of the Ancita continent, in a small country


"Ha ha ha! Today's haul is quite a bounty! I didn't expect those merchants to actually have over 8,000 gemstone coins on them. What a killing!"


"Yeah, boss, we don't have to worry about food and clothes for this year!"


"Right. Oh, boss, give me that set of clothes we just stole! Those stupid pigs ripped my clothes when they resisted."


"Hmm? Clothes? Take whatever you want. If no one else wants them, they're yours."


"Then, boss, I want that sword!"


"Boss, give me that warhorse..."






Dozens of ragged-looking, weapon-wielding, and ferocious men with vicious expressions are walking slowly through the woods. The fierce beasts in the area seem to avoid these people. They are the members of the Black Wolf, a notorious bandit in this region.