Chapter 198: The New Emperor's Command




A few days ago,


"You! This is, this is a rebellion! I am, I am your father!"


Inside the Sky Dome Palace of the Snowy Night Empire,


Accompanied by an explosion of pale golden magic, a terrifying sword aura swept through the court, causing countless officials to lose consciousness and collapse under the baptism of this terrifying wave. The imperial guards who tried to rush into the main hall to save the emperor were also affected by this power, and they were all blown away by dozens of meters.


The emperor of the Snowy Night Empire, Luo Jie-Valentin, was choked by the neck of another young and handsome blond man, and was pressed against the wall,


Facing Luo Jie's scolding, the blond man, Xue Tianao, showed an indifferent smile full of contempt,