Chapter 216: Disgust


At that time, she had just been brought back to the church by Bai Yanluo not long ago and had just become the envied but actually useless backup Saintess.


At the banquet celebrating her becoming a backup Saintess, Xue Tianao, the ambassador of the Snowy Night Empire visiting the Red Lotus Leaf Empire, also came to the inner church and participated in the banquet.




"Congratulations on becoming the backup Saintess, Miss Mengxi," Xue Tianao seized the opportunity when Bai Yanluo temporarily left Mengxi's side, leaving her unprotected. He quickly appeared before the silver-haired girl, showing off his elegant demeanor. After the basic greetings, he held Mengxi's hand, which was covered by a black glove, and kissed the back of her hand according to traditional etiquette.