Chapter 280: The Disheveled "Savior" [2/2]


"What's going on with this guy?"

Xue Tianao was perplexed,

However, he no longer had time to contemplate the changes happening to Xiao's body. With the completion of Xiao's transformation, his power became terrifying. The demonic spear also became more robust under the embrace of the black light,

As the tumultuous black magic power gradually calmed down, the demonic spear regained its stability. Countless barbs and blades emerged on its body, making it even more ferocious and terrifying. At the tip of the spear, after a twist, the deep blue gem transformed into a profound eye...

And the gaze of this eye was fixed directly on Xue Tianao, sending a chilling sensation down his spine.


'No, no, this is not good!!'

'This demonic spear... It has a soul?!'