Chapter 316: Nourishment [3/3]


"Wait, what do you mean by that?" 


"It means, consider me your path for a fresh start." 


Youlan expressed with her utmost sincerity. 


"In return, I hope you can help me fulfill a lifelong dream of mine when you're reborn. A wish that only the Chosen One like yourself can make true." 

Her words were steeped in honesty, devoid of any jest.


Upon hearing the seriousness in her voice, the earnest plea in her eyes, Xue Tianao was overwhelmed with emotions, his azure soul trembling slightly. His initial suspicion and caution began to ebb away as he locked gazes with Youlan.

But then again,

what could he do even if he remained skeptical, given his current situation?

He was already at the end of his rope.

Presented with a chance,

he had to seize it.

After a period of contemplation, Xue Tianao offered his affirmative response,