[Bonus chapter] Chapter 331: Yuan’er's Expectations [1/2]

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During her time with Youlan, Yuan'er not only learned some basic knowledge about Shadow power and some skills but also came to know a lot about Winter Forest. Among these, what interested Yuan'er the most were her new 'family members' mentioned by Youlan.

Her mother, and those brothers and sisters.

Pierre, the brother with a fiery temper, a bit of a rascal, but extremely protective;

Kalina, the sister who is heroic, serious, and rigorous, but a bit rigid;

Limo, the lively and somewhat naive sister who loves to eat;

Liyu, the sister who is meticulous in everything, but with questionable cooking skills;

Then sister Shuoyue who seems always to be sleeping, but with a bit of a wicked streak;