Chapter 340: The Weeping Mengxi [2/5]


Outside the main camp of Black Rose duchy, within a bush...


With a rustling sound, two little girls' heads, along with a silly white wolf appeared. 


They were under the complex gaze of the nearby Black Rose family members.


" Sister Liyu, the 'bad woman' you mentioned, who might harm or kidnap Mom, seems to be staying in the tent with her right now. What should we do?" 

Yuan'er's adorable blue and red eyes blinking curiously while askng the grey-haired girl beside her.



Liyu didn't respond to her little  sister's question. Instead, she fixed her gaze on the distant tent. 


'Oh no, that damned Girl of Destiny! She's really alone with Mother!' 

Liyu was annoyed and frustrated.

'Why did Mom set up a barrier? Was it to prevent us from knowing what's happening inside?'


'Why would she do that? Are they doing something indecent inside?'