[Bonus chapter] Chapter 356: The Placement of the Child [1/5]

"However, it was really unexpected..."


Gazing in the direction of the sky, Xiao thoughtfully propped his chin with his hand, his black eyes narrowing slightly.


'Since Lady Yumo personally 'killed' Xue Tianao, she felt obliged to make it up to his sister, Freya, while also calming the chaotic situation in the Snow Night Empire. Honestly, I saw that coming.'




'What caught me off guard was the reaction of Limo and Liyu. These two little devils who have always looked down on humans and wouldn't mind wiping out the forces of Snow Night Empire, surprisingly stood up for the princess in front of Lady Yumo this time?'


'Lady Yumo eventually choosing to back this princess to become the new Empress, must have been greatly influenced by Limo and Liyu. After all, it's well known that Mother has a soft spot for her kids.'