Chapter 358: The Unusual [3/5]

In the outskirt forest not far from Black Rose camp,


Under the escort of dozens of men wearing black clothes, a man in fine attire, handsome yet with a solemn expression, swiftly traversed through the forest. He came to a clearing at the center.


  This man was none other than the second prince of Red Leaf Empire, Amon.


Amon came here for one purpose only - to search for his subordinates who had lost contact suddenly.


When the Abyssal Demons retreated from SkyDome city, almost everyone was reveling in the joy of surviving a catastrophe. However, Amon was among the few who did not indulge in joy; instead, he felt very uneasy.


The organized and regular attacks of the Abyssal Demons had shattered their human world's centuries-old understanding.


The threat to humans by Abyssal Demons after this war had undoubtedly increased a lot.

