Chapter 364 The Raging holy Sword part 2 [2/2]

Imagining the possible aftermath, cold sweats trickled down the forehead of Black Rose Duke

Xiao's mind raced as he tried to figure out how to prevent Odom from handing over the Holy Sword to Yumo.

It must be said, Xiao was very good at thinking out of the box and quickly came up with a suitable excuse. However, before he could utter a word, Odom nonchalantly turned around and nodded slightly:

"Wanna see the Holy Sword? Sure, no problem at all."

Odom replied almost without thinking.

For him,

He had seen too many people wanting to glimpse the Holy Sword. It was perfectly understandable that the black-haired girl in front of him wanted to see it out of curiosity. There was no reason to refuse...


'Can I even refuse?'

So, with this thought in mind, Odom quickly nodded before Xiao could voice out, silently opening his space ring, causing the black-haired man next to him to wince.

On the other hand,