[Bonus chapter]- Chapter 387: Moving [3/3]

At this moment, Kalina's mood is better than ever.




When her mother and sisters, including Xiao and other members of the Black Rose family, returned to the eastern part of Winter Forest, where the Demon Temple used to be, they were astonished by the sight that met their eyes.


On the original flatland, besides a peaceful lake, was a beautifully classic mansion standing tall on the snowy grounds.


The mansion embodied a European aesthetic.


Romantic and majestic, its high entrance hall and impressive mahogany doors, arched windows and platinum-studded fixtures exuded elegance and luxury. The white-painted walls paired with the soft blue roofing tiles, consecutive archways and corridors alongside living spaces with large windows were fresh and unconventional, giving off an invigorating vibe.


The mansion was elegantly refined without compromising comfort.