Chapter 397: You traitors!! ︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ [1/2]


"Hey, all of you, can you tell me exactly what's happening here?" asked the black-haired young girl, smiling as she pointed at the heavily damaged mansion behind her.


Although Yumo was still wearing her familiar gentle smile as usual, relying on instinct and past experience, Liyu and the others immediately realized the gravity of the situation.


They were in trouble,


Mother was angry...


After pulling her foolish sister out of the snow and realizing this, Liyu's small hand nervously clutched her skirt.


Faced with their mother's question and the sudden overwhelming pressure, Liyu dared not say much.


At most, she continued to glare at her foolish sister with complaining eyes.




Liyu began to secretly express her discontent to Limo, using her facial expressions.


'Stinky sister!'


'Foolish sister!'