[Bonus chapter]Chapter 410: Yumo's Warning [6/14]


In the heart of the icy winter forest lay a massive pit, nearly three kilometers in radius. It was a terrifying scene, reminiscent of hell itself. Everything within was charred and engulfed by fire, while countless twisted corpses of demons were scattered across the pit. The sight of their grisly deaths was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.


There were no whole bodies on the ground; most were mutilated beyond recognition. The ghastly view made it clear that these demons had been brutally crushed to death by an immense force. Blood, chunks of flesh, and remains of organs were strewn everywhere.


The air was heavy with the stench of blood, the scent of scorching, and an oppressive silence that added to the horror of the scene...



"What... what on earth has happened here?!"