Chapter 414: Pipi's Dilemma [10/14]

 Kalina's illustration is now in chapter 01, or → []

And a test illustration for yuan'er has been relased too, 




'Where did my vacation go... again?'


Even though he promised Aya to go with her to Red Leaf Empire, after leaving the training grounds and returning to his luxurious ' bedroom ', Pierre immediately showed a listless expression, lying lethargically on the bed.


As for the armor he brought back, along with the freshly cleaned jacket, underwear, and stockings, he casually threw them aside. They joined the myriad of clothes and books on the floor, making up the unique chaos of this ' bedroom'.


If the little maids who admired the purple-haired 'girl' outside saw this, Pipi's refined image in their hearts would probably vanish in an instant...




Pierre didn't really care about that.