Chapter 456: Crossing the Border 2/2[2/4]

Pierre's Illustration is out, and it's in chapter 01, leave a like if you like it *^



On the other side, after Viskar and the others lost their will to fight, and retreated in terror and regret.


Floating in mid-air, a maid named "Pipi" gradually suppressed the excitement and the bloodlust in her face and repressed her instinct for battle...


A strong disappointment gradually crept up on her face.


"Escaping like this?... Trashes..."


After a few disdainful snorts, Pierre clenched the hilt of his enormous pale sword and lifted it above his head.


"Since you can't fight anymore... you useless lot... there's no point in keeping you alive."


Coldly pronouncing the death sentence to Viskar and the other adventurers, Pierre didn't hesitate to swing down his massive sword...