Chapter 463: Heading to the Forbidden Palace[1/5]


Within the Beast Taming Garden, the colossal abyssal demon was ceremoniously escorted back underground by the staff, bringing an end to the chaotic incident involving the rampaging demon.


While exhaling a sigh of relief,


Yaze couldn't help but refocus his attention on their new teacher. The way Teacher Yu had effortlessly handled the abyssal demon had indeed earned the admiration of this young student. There was no hint of discontent in his hazel eyes. There might be no discontent, but as Yaze observed the black-haired girl, a hint of confusion crept into his brown eyes.


"It feels like..."


'Is there something peculiar between our President and Teacher Yu?'


Yaze curiously approached Shania, who was nearby.


"I mean, Shania."

