Chapter 504 : Returning Home [2/4]

At night,


Inside the teachers' apartment,


Under the respectful gaze of several Black Rose maids, Yumo walked leisurely into the apartment and returned home.


The student Aya, whom Yumo had saved earlier in the Anvika suburbs, was assertively brought back to the academy dormitory by Yumo and handed over to Aya's dormitory manager. Originally, Aya still wanted to meet the financial backer in her heart and even asked Yumo for assistance.

But considering her battered state, Yumo resolutely chose to decline.


After that, Yumo ignored the green-haired girl's protests and brought her back to Luminous Royal Academy.


It's hard when someone pushes themselves too much, not caring about their health.




Yumo sighed in exasperation.


Even though she wasn't physically tired, the day's outing in Anvika's suburbs left her mentally drained.