Chapter 534: The Arrival of Nightingale [1/2]

"Once Kael finds out you're around, he'll send the holy envoeys to trap and kill you. Your job is to distract the Church of Asumos' people in Salva Forest and slow them down as much as you can."

"Yes, My Lord, we will do our utmost to complete the mission!"

"Aren't you afraid? You might all die."

"If it helps the Child of the Demon Lord to complete his plan, I'm willing to go through fire and water. Even if it means we all get killed! I'm willing to be shattered to pieces!"

Recalling the previous conversation with the Child of the Demon Lord, Wilt couldn't help but show a trace of excited and malicious smile, clutching his chest tightly. Surrounded by holy knights, mages, and priests in the distance, as well as two white-robed Holy Envoys glaring at him, Wilt looked around without a trace of fear, only deep-seated hatred.