Chapter 550: Kalina’s Arrival

After blasting the top of Red Moon Tower into rubble, the black-haired girl instantly transformed into a crimson meteor surrounded by bloody butterflies, hurtling directly toward the tower's central region.


With a loud crash, the defensive barriers around Red Moon Tower, along with its thick walls, were shattered to pieces.

Amid the falling debris, the black-haired girl, with her alluring and fair legs, stepped onto the ancient-patterned floor, entering the central ceremonial hall of Red Moon Tower.

Her sudden arrival and the intense, overwhelming pressure made everyone in the room look really serious and scared.

These mages, responsible for guarding the inner part of Red Moon Tower and assisting Ophelia and Anfrere in providing power to the soul demon, hadn't directly felt the earlier soul-crushing pressure due to protective barriers. Hence, they could still react to the impending threat.