Chapter 554: Brothers are meant to be sold!  [4/4]

'Youlan, she...'

'Back then, she had been so heartbroken and angry, even shouting in a frenzy as if she wanted to die with me...'

Although having Yuan'er safe and sound was more important than anything else, Yumo found it hard to comprehend why Youlan had done nothing. If Youlan didn't intend to delay and consume Yuan'er's power, why had she sent the mages of Red Moon Tower to attack her, along with that grotesque mud monster?

'Furthermore, didn't she hate me for inhabiting her mother's body? Didn't she despise the children created by me? If she hated them, why had she not harmed Yuan'er and treated her so well? '

This didn't seem like the attitude she'd expect from an enemy. It was more like... pampering a child.

'Could it be that Youlan intended to fatten Yuan'er up before doing something to her? But that didn't make sense...'