Chapter 562: Uninvited Guest [1/2]

Even though Fiona's troops were still being delayed by the High Priest of the Divine Punishment sect, Wilt;

Even though the fate of the two Apostles of Heaven was uncertain under the fierce assault of Sword Demon;

Even though the military base where the Girl of Destiny was located was being attacked by a powerful monster;

Even though the fate of the troops that had provided support before was unknown;

Kael, the supreme ruler of Asumos Church, always wore that serene smile, as if no news could disturb his composure.


If other believers were to come to this grand cathedral of the divine city, they would probably be surprised to find that the smile on the Pope's face at this moment was no longer the gentle and elegant one they thought he was, but instead had a hint of cruelty. His smile resembled that of a smiling Grim Reaper, sending shivers down one's spine.